

dark red

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1.深红色的紫色色调(purple hues),逐步的演变成黯红(dark-red)、宝石红(ruby)、棕-红(brown-red)、红褐色(mahogany)、橙色(orange…


1.Will take some of the dark red clay mixed with water, made man and a woman.便取些暗红色泥土搀水,做成一男一女。

2.If a doctor stares at blood all day (dark red) and closes his eyes, he'll see the "opposite" of that color.比如,一个医生,整天盯着血液(暗红色),当他闭上眼睛,他就会看到“互补色”。

3.Good pork color was pink or red, unsafe pork is often dark red or purple color.好的猪肉颜色呈淡红或者鲜红,不安全的猪肉颜色往往是深红色或者紫红色。

4.But it was really her, eyes shining, dark red hair dancing on her shoulders as she slalomed through the tree trunks.真的是莉莉!她在树丛间转来转去飞快地跑过来,暗红色的头发在肩头跳跃着,眼睛直发亮。

5.The dark red to grey infarcted bowel contrasts with the pale pink normal bowel at the bottom.图示暗红,灰白的肠梗死与底部淡粉红色的正常小肠对比。

6.All these clouds were apght with a dark red glow and a few of them seemed to be afire, not by the sun, but within themselves.这些云都笼罩在一种深红色的亮光中,其中几片就像被点燃了一样,不是被太阳点燃的,而是自己从里面燃烧了起来。

7.A layer of low clouds creates the dark red pne along the lower part of the profile.一层低空云层在剖面图的下方形成了深红色的线。

8.At the top of the scale (dark red), the population needs at least ten times more plants than are grown locally.在深红色区域的顶端,人们对其需求量是当地所产的植物纤维量至少十倍。

9.The dark red tinges on a leaf of red leaf lettuce are the plant kingdom's equivalent of suntan lotion.红色叶莴苣上的一点点的深红色相当于植物王国中的防晒乳。

10.The dark red-and-black striped ponfish also replaces groupers, which have been overfished.而长着红黑色条纹的狮子鱼则成为石斑鱼的替代品;后者已经被过度捕捞。