




1.捷孚凯学(American University)和美国捷孚凯营销研究顾问公司GfK)对2100名19至24岁大学生所做的民调发现,53.3%受访者 …

7.调查公司安霍特美国著名市场调查公司安霍特GFK)近日发表了一份最幸福城市排名。 调查通过对全球10000多名受访者的调查预测,GFK …



1.The survey, by market researcher GfK Verein in cooperation with The Wall Street Journal Europe, was conducted in October and November.这项调查在今年10月和11月进行,由市场研究机构GfKVerein与《欧洲华尔街日报》共同完成。

2.Best for getting some shut-eye: We have the least amount of sex on Tuesdays according to a health survey from research company GfK NOP.最适合睡觉:据GfKNOP研究公司的健康调查显示,我们在周二做爱的次数最少。

3.GFK is the world's top five market research companies, with its consumer durable goods report is the world authority.GFK公司是全球五大市场调研公司之一,其耐用消费品调查报告是世界权威的。

4.The Nuremberg-based GfK group's consumer confidence index, meanwhile, rose in August to its highest level since June 2008.与此同时,GFK集团的消费者信心指数在8月达到了自2008年6月以来的最高水平。

5.German consumer confidence also continues to deteriorate, according to a survey by the Nuremberg-based GfK research group.总部位于纽伦堡的市场研究集团GFK表示,德国的消费者信心状况也继续恶化。

6.The latest tap on the glass by GfK NOP, a market-research firm, revealed an astonishing pessimism, with a reading of minus 30 in March.英国市场调研机构GfKNOP最新的调查显示了消费者心头的阴云笼罩,3月的指数为-30。

7."We are at a much earper stage of the onpne revolution of retail than people think, " says Lewis Paine at GfK, a research company.“现在的网络购物革命比人们想象的容易的多”捷孚凯调查公司的路易斯·佩因说。

8.The GfK poll shows a principal reason households are not spending is their waning faith in a recovery.捷孚凯的调查结果显示,德国家庭之所以不消费,主要是因为他们对经济复苏的信心减弱。

9.The report, a joint effort between GfK and mobile social network Limbo, surveyed 1000 users in the U. S. and 1000 in the U. K.作为Gfk和手机社交网络Limbo的合作成果,这一报告分别在美国和英国各调查了1000名用户的使用习惯。

10.The UK home improvement market suffered a sharp contraction in the six months to July, according to GfK, the market research company.市场调研公司GfK称,英国家居建材市场在截至今年7月份的6个月中经历了严重萎缩。