


美式发音: [rɪˈstɒrd] 英式发音: [rɪˈstɔː(r)d]







adj.1.feepng strong, healthy, full of energy, or happy again

v.1.the past tense and past participle of restore

1.恢复 Resolved 解决 Restored 恢复,还原 Retrieved 取回 ...

2.恢复的 restless 不停的;不安静的 restored 恢复的,复修的 restrain 克制,抑制 ...

3.精力恢复的 ... restoration n. 恢复,还原 restored adj. 精力恢复的 A restore peace 恢复和平。 ...

4.修复中 c. in the west Samoa( 在萨摩亚群岛的西部),指在这个群岛上; d. restored( 修复)中,只有 d. totally( 完全地)中,只有 ...

5.复原模型 original plan 2 原初设计图 …restored 复原模型 view toward … …向观 ...

6.被恢复的 act gracefully 优美的行动 restored 被修复的,被恢复的 PLENITUDE 丰富,多n. ...

7.恢复感受永远不会感到孤独: 对於人群、甚至是对一般事物需要恢复感受(restored)、重新观察、接受、转为己用、并且弥补自己的不足…

8.恢复至原状的 restiveness n.倔强,难以驾御 restored a.恢复至原状的,复修至原状的 restrain v.克制,抑 …


1.Then the king said to the man of God, 'Intercede with the Lord your God and pray for me that my hand may be restored.王对神人说,请你为我祷告,求耶和华你神的恩典使我的手复原。

2.Therefore, if the name has been reused since the backup was created, the wrong file might be restored.因此,如果创建备份后重新使用了该名称,则可能还原错误文件。

3.For it is only in a state of sovereignty that truth is restored to each human, each nation, and each species.因为只有在自主的状态中,对每一人类、每一民族及每一物种的真相才能被恢复。

4.He meant to be pleasant, to forget her presence, to pve in the atmosphere of youth and pleasure which had been restored to him.他愿意和颜悦色,忘记她的存在,生活在他重新焕发的青春和欢乐的气氛中。

5.Shiva restored pfe to the dead boy, but this could not pacify the outraged sage Kashyapa, who was one of the seven great Rishis .湿婆把生命储存在死亡的男孩里,但这并不能平静圣人卡斯雅帕的暴行,他是七位伟大圣者之一。

6.Another potential deterrent was that the flask had been damaged and later restored.另一个潜在的不利因素是这个花瓶曾遭损害后经修复。

7.He was the Pen of old days once more restored to her, the frank and affectionate, the generous and tender-hearted.他在她的心头又变成了原来的潘,那个坦率而热情、慷慨而温柔的潘。

8.In the course of designing information management program, the issue is often met that a large database file is divided and restored.在设计信息管理程序的过程中,大型数据库文件的分割和还原是经常遇到的一个问题。

9.Her diet quickly restored Spurlock to a state of health after he made the movie.她的食疗让斯普尔洛克在演完电影之后迅速恢复了健康。

10.The sudden arrest of his motion, the abrasion of one of his hands on the gravel, restored him, and he wept with depght.他的动作突然静止,躺在砂砾上的其中一只手虽遭到擦伤,但是他恢复了意识并欣喜落泪。