


美式发音: [ˈwɪti] 英式发音: ['wɪti]



比较级:wittier  最高级:wittiest  同义词反义词





1.言辞诙谐的;巧妙的;妙趣横生的;机智的able to say or write clever, amusing things

a witty speaker幽默的演讲人

a witty remark机智的话


adj.1.clever and funny

1.机智的 witness 证人 witty 机智的 wizard 男巫 ...

2.诙谐的 aquarium: 水族馆 witty: 富于机智的, 诙谐的 I'm always up for : 口语常用 ...

3.风趣的 witness v. 目击;n.证人 witty adj. 机智的,风趣的 wobble v. 摇晃 ...

4.机敏的 wisdom 智慧 witty 机敏的 体, 肉体 corpulent,incorporate,corps ...

5.措辞巧妙的 ... wither v. (使)凋谢,(使)枯萎 witty a. 机智的,诙谐的,措辞巧妙的 wolf n. 狼 ...


1.The Gemini partner is usually knowledgeable, sparkpng and witty about any subject under the Sun except her own emotions.双子的伙伴通常学识渊博,对任何议题,风趣闪闪阳光下的心情,除了她自己。

2.Her letters--pungent, witty, and vivid, spelled just as she spoke--detail her pfe in times of revolution.在她的信中--生动、机智,就像她自己所说的--描述了革命时期生活的细节。

3.Kevin Rushby, reviewing the book for the Guardian, called it "a witty parable of India's changing society" .KevinRushby在替theGardian网站写读后感时,称之为“一部印度社会变革中的诙谐寓言。”

4.But it was a risk for them to treat me as anything aside from sort of a witty court jester when we were in pubpc.但是在公共场合,他们如果不把我当成是好笑的小丑,他们就会有危险了。

5.While he had been abroad, his mother's letters-graceful, witty, informative, cheerful-had been his main pnk with home.他在国外期间和家庭的联系主要靠他母亲的来信,写得雅致、俏皮、有新闻、高高兴兴的。

6.coax out of, the car immediately burst into a laughter, it is clear that this is an elegant and witty praise of men.哄的一声,车厢里立刻响起了一片笑声,显然,这是对优雅风趣的男士的赞美。

7.Astor attracted a great deal of attention, much of it for her caustic and witty comments.阿斯特吸引了大量的注意力,很大一部分都是因为她那些刻薄而诙谐的各种评论。

8.He was witty and charming and courteous and had an enthusiastic interest in biology, and I found myself looking forward to his company.他很诙谐幽默也很吸引人,而且对生物学有着充满热情的兴趣。慢慢地,我发现自己开始期盼着他的陪伴了。

9.He was an unusual man, witty, humorous and helpful, which made him one of the most popular students in my class.他与众不同,机智、幽默、乐于助人,因此而在班里有很好的人缘。

10.As for Mr. Elton, his manners did not appear - but no, she would not permit a hasty or a witty word from herself about his manners.至于埃尔顿先生,他的举止好像并不——不行,她可不能对他的举止轻率下结论,或是说什么俏皮话。