



adv. 胜任地, 称职地


Now they can handle the people's affairs quite competently.



副词: competently |


1. 胜任地

2. 适合地

3. 【律】有法定资格地



副词: competently |


capably | ably | well | proficiently | knowledgeably | adeptly | expertly | aptly |


incompetently |



well   competentlycompetentlyadv.
1.翻译:胜任地,适合地 见:competent: competently


副词 competently:

in a competent capable manner

同义词:aptly, ably, capably, with competence


1. We can compet with them in terms of service.


2. ME:I will come back to china. china developing fast in xxx field, but advan ced knowledge is lacked in xxx field, with the knowledge I can be compet itive and become expert.

ME:Yes. 以下对答非常快,我的回答基本不是句子了,就是短语,我只能用汉语写出大意 VO:那你现在为什么不去那里工作?

3. Rather, we have a certain conception of the American citizen, a character who is incomplete if he cannot competently access how his livelihoodhappiness are affected by things outside of himself.


4. (h) the term "prescribed" means prescribed by national laws orregulations or by the compet ent authority;


5. But it is through accreditation of third-party assessors that society can have confidence that when something is measured, calibrated, inspected, tested or certified the job has been done competently.


6. I feel bit by bit that I am not compet for my work and I can t come into the part and work with all my heart.


7. The center was competently staffed.


8. Therefore, scale of economy has special practical significance for China's insurance corporations to gain international compet...


9. 194"The best preparation for life or a career is not learning to be compet itive, but learning to be cooperative."


10. Even after training and modification of duties if necessary Party B cannot do his work competently.


11. Rather ,we hace a certain conception of the American citizen ,a character who is incomplete if he cannot competently assess how his livelihood and happiness are affected by things outside of himself.


12. The human race has entered a competently new stage in history. With the increasingly rapid economic globalization and urbanization, more problems are brought to our attention.


13. He can lead this team competently.


14. The re is no surgical patient I cannot treat competently, treat just as well or better than any other surgeon.


15. There is no surgical patient I cannot treat competently.


16. There is no surgical patient I can't treat competently, treat just as well or better than any other surgeon.


17. 3.You performed competently in this area but review is still recommended before retaking this exam part.


18. You cannot compet with those postgraduates.


19. Do not think you have how competently, in the world also has compared to your competent person very many!


20. Such fast food restaurants as McDonald's and KFC are mushrooming in China.Can Chinese traditional fast food like jiaozi and baozi ,be imiproved so as to compet with foreign products?


21. Responsibilities:1. Deliver periodic high quality business reports with sound insights of insurance market trend, compet...... ...


22. In company flustered, nobody knew whether own work can preserve, does nobody know itself competently to which one day.


23. I need to be able to talk more competently on a wider range of issues, and stop relying on elementary and intermediate language to express advanced-level ideas.


24. The army believes it must stay in power because no other force can hold the country together and run it competently.


25. For this reason, Baelz can competently advise its customers in the selection and setup of valve housing and actuator for the respective application.


26. to perform competently


27. The Delegation of India stated that the IGC was looking into the various concerns quite competently.


28. Only through the innovation in the mode of the governance to establish regular,well-going,just and high efficient mode in governance,can the government enhance its compet...


29. No one can compet with him on this one.


30. We should more competently use the method of EBM, and correct the defect of EBM in the researches on clinical pharmacology so as to prompt the construction and development of clinical pharmacology.


31. Furthermore, it makesdetai 1ed research on consumer market, data business 1 i fecyc1e, foreigncountri es experi ences, compet it ion s ituat ions and deve 1oping mode.


32. In scientific translation, the principal concern is being just familiar enough with the terminology involved to translate the document into another language as competently as possible.


33. The corner location really started paying off, and I soon found myself handling more patients than I could handle competently


34. Pay particular attention to hiring someone to do the one job that you love and could continue doing very competently (whether that is coding, design, marketing, sales, or finance).


35. The only way to counteract this tendency is to be competently prepared when you are in a position to do so.


36. This paper combines the knowledge with the activity to discuss how enterprise activities based on the knowledge management promote the enterprise to develop,and maintain the compet...


37. Young I although frail but do not lose competently, honest is good ismy invariable natural disposition! Is cheerful, warm is temperate; Haslonged for on the happy life.


38. Like the processes that regulate your heartbeat, daemonic applications generally remain completely invisible, competently performing their process as long as your computer is turned on.

就像掌控我们心跳的进程一样,后台应用通常也是完全隐形的。 只要计算机还开着,它就在依然在执行其进程。

39. Rather, we have a certain conception of the American citizen, a character who is incomplete if he cannot competently access how his livelihood and happiness are affected by things outside of imself.


40. A lawyer should represent a client competently.


41. Our extensive product range plus the flexibility to react competently and quickly to customers'wishes have made us one of the market leaders in sealing technology.


42. Rather, we h**e a certain conception of the American citizen, a character who is incomplete if he cannot competently access how his livelihood and happiness are affected by things outside of himself.


43. Rather, we have a certain conception of the American citizen, character who is incomplete if he cannot competently access how his livelihood and happiness are affected by things outside of himself.


44. One is quite justified in inferring that wherever one of these laws or customs was lacking in that remote time, its place was competently filled by a worse one.


45. to be as Dasein is to understand oneself ,that is ,as we shall see later ,to comport oneself in such a way that one competently lives out some socially constituted way of being.


46. I think a competition is a good way to judge the question, when you compet you will know how much do you need to improve.


47. A skilled negotiator, competently exploring all options that achieve full satisfaction of negotiating parties with the end solutions reached.


48. JTB responds competently to there new trends.some sales offices specialize in educational tours,enabling our staff to offer complex services closely linked to the needs of their particular community.


49. They competently answer the questions that are put to them but they never take the initiative by asking intelligent questions that steer the interview in a helpful direction.


50. Rather, we have a certain conception of the American citizen, a character who is incomplete if he cannot competently access how his livelihoodhappiness are affected by things outside of himself.


51. Some schemes are better than others (ZPM's is sheer idiocy, CS and IU are done competently) but none of them are really suitable for Q3.


52. It is essential that as many hotel employees as possible are adequately trained to competently administer life saving first aid in an accident or sudden illness situation.


53. And several kinds of RNA have turned up doing mules' work as well: catalyzing, signaling and switching as competently as any protein.


54. A company political instructor, for instance, should learn how to do his job competently.


55. Every State shall take measures to prevent pollution of the seasfrom the dumping of radioac tive waste, taking into account any standardsand regulations which may be formulated by the compet ent internationalorganisations.


56. Now they can handle the people's affairs quite competently.


57. Patients with nutrition-related compromised immune systems: Problems exist in addressing this need competently


58. Rather, we have a certain conception of the American citizen, a character who is incomplete if he cannot competently assess how his livelihood and happiness are affected by things outside of himself.


59. Rather, we have a certain conception of the American citizen, a character who is incomplete if he cannot competently access how his livelihood and happiness are affected by things outside of himself.


60. Make sure your cover letter is free of typos and grammatical errors. A cover letter is a chance to show you can write clearly and competently.


61. compet!tive intelligence system


62. The second says after that in case we can not fall ill competently, have included?


63. To be familiar with the language struture and to be able to use English competently in a number of different situations.


64. To be familiar with the language struture to be able to use English competently in a number of different situations.


65. However, the three-phase fluidized bed can accommodate this kind of dust and can deal with the collection and recovery of reed residue competently.


66. Poter.M.E:The Compet it iven-ess Advantage of Nation[M].


67. They have switched loyalties to what was once the second national carmaker, Perodua, which is now controlled and very competently run by Japan's Daihatsu, part of Toyota.


68. It is the achievement that RH system can reach design goal,appease to smelt high-technology grade steel such as IF and ultra low carbon steel competently.


69. Quality: We are committed to consistenly delivering quality world-class products and services to our customers that exceeded their expectations. We execute our work with pride, professionally and competently.


70. So prospect of iron and steel industry will be irreversible changes, we can expect that there will have a intense compet...


71. Both the actors and actresses in the play are competently filled.

这出戏, 男女演员配搭得很和谐。

72. You performed competently in this area but review is still recommended before retaking this exam part.


73. Most American school children learned to read, write, and do math competently - and they left school able to make their way in the world.


74. Collars and hollow pieces shall be made from ingot or cogged ingot sections competently punched, bored or pierced before the parts are reamed or rolled over a suitable mandrel.


75. (i) the term "prescribed" means prescribed by national laws orregulations or by the compet ent authority;
