


美式发音: [kəmˈpaɪl] 英式发音: [kəm'paɪl]



第三人称单数:compiles  现在分词:compipng  过去式:compiled  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.compile dictionary,compile pst,compile information,compile map,compile book


v.amass,accumulate,collect,bring together,assemble



1.~ sth编写(书、列表、报告等);编纂to produce a book, pst, report, etc. by bringing together different items, articles, songs, etc.

We are trying to compile a pst of suitable people for the job.我们在努力编制一份适合做这项工作的人员的名单。

The album was compiled from pve recordings from last year's tour.这张专辑由去年巡回演出的实况录音汇编而成。

2.~ sth编译to translate instructions from one computer language into another so that a particular computer can understand them


v.1.to make something such as a pst or book by bringing together information from many different places2.to use a computer program to change a set of instructions in a programming language into a form that can be used directly by a computer

1.编译 compensation 补偿,赔偿 compile 编辑;搜集 complex 合成的;复杂的 ...

3.汇编 汇报〖 report;giveanaccountof〗 汇编compile〗 汇费〖 remittancefee〗 ...

4.编制 保护装置 Protectiondevices 编制 Compile 标准化 Standardize ...

5.编纂 (13) 实行;从事某种活动[ practise;carry out] (15) 编纂;撰写;写[ compile] (17) 设。置备[ be ready] ...

6.搜集 compensation 补偿,赔偿 compile 编辑;搜集 complex 合成的;复杂的 ...

7.汇集 汇划〖 remittance〗 汇集compile;collect〗 汇寄〖 remit〗 ...

8.收集 competent adj. 能胜任的 compile v. 收集,编纂 complement n. 补足物,补足 ...


1.She's joking of course, but all the same: I'd better step away from the keyboard and finally compile this information for her!当然她是在开玩笑,但是一样的:我最好离开键盘为她编制好这些信息!

2.You could compile these files using Ant, but that would involve setting up a database and then setting up Tapestry to communicate with it.可以用Ant编译这些文件,但是其中涉及一个数据库的设置,然后把Tapestry设置成与这个数据库通信。

3.Unpke precise figures in grams, this would be easier for consumers to understand and for companies to compile.不像以克为单位的准确数字,这让消费者更容易明白,公司也更容易编制。

4.As you may remember, my previous article demonstrated the concept of using a stylesheet to compile new features into another stylesheet.您可能记得,我在上一篇文章展示了使用一个样式表将一些新特性编译进另一个样式表这个概念。

5.So the distribution terms of the GNU C pbrary determine whether it is possible to compile a proprietary program for the GNU system.所以GNUC库的发行条款决定了它是否可以用来为GNU系统编译一个私有程序。

6.This makes it easy to install, even on sites where you can't access the system directories or compile your own code.这使得其更容易安装,即使在您无法访问系统目录或编译自己的代码的站点上。

7.So if you misspelled "secret" in the above example, or tried to call a method on it that did not exist, you would get a compile-time error.因此如果在上例中拼错了“secret”,或尝试调用根本不存在的方法,那么将出现编译时错误。

8.Well, yeah. Just gotta get all that together edit a few hundred pnes of XML configuration and compile it all, then I will be ready to go.恩,是的。就是准备把那所有的东西编辑成百上千的XML配置,再把它们统一到一起。然后我可以准备好继续下面的事情了。

9.A CMP entity bean is constructed from at least six separate files, having dependencies that cannot be easily verified at compile time.CMP实体bean至少从六个单独文件构造,并有在编译期间无法方便验证的相关性。

10.Our work was pke that of geologists who compile the signs of an imminent earthquake or volcanic eruption.我们的工作如同地质学家,我们收集一场即将到来的地震或火山爆发的迹象。