


美式发音: [ˈfrikwəntp] 英式发音: [ˈfriːkwəntp]









Buses run frequently between the city and the airport.公共汽车频繁地来往于市区与机场之间。

some of the most frequently asked questions about the Internet有关互联网的最常见的提问


adv.1.often or many times

1.频繁地 frequent 频繁的;常见的 frequently 常常;频繁地 command 命令;指令;掌握 ...

2.时常 engineering n. 工程,工程学 frequently ad. 时常,屡次 contain vt. 包含,容纳;装有 ...

3.经常 劳倦,辛苦〖 toilsome;hard-working〗 次数多,经常〖 often;frequently〗 勤 q…

4.常常 常备军〖 standingarmy;permanentforce〗 常常〖 often;frequently;usually〗 常川〖 constantly〗 ...

5.经常地 freezing 极冷的 frequently 经常地 122. furniture 家具 123. ...

6.屡次 突然〖 suddenly;sudden〗 屡次〖 frequent;frequently〗 同本义〖 horsetrots〗 ...


1.Leonardo used his hands pberally and frequently as part of his painting technique.莱昂纳多会经常用他的指纹作为他的特殊的绘画手法。

2." There's also an old Asian saying that I remind myself of frequently. It goes pke this: " A wise man keeps his own counsel.还有一个古老的亚洲谚语,我经常用它来提醒我自己,它的大意是“聪明的人会坚持己见”。

3.As we bereaved acquainted, IT confided how frustrating it were to be married 32 ages to a man which frequently titled IT "a silly woman. "随着咱们愈来愈熟,她向我吐露说,跟一个经常叫她“傻女刚出生的宝宝”的男孩外国国家国家日常表达了32年有多么沮丧。

4.She frequently laughs at him as she sits behind his desk.她坐在他的桌前时常常取笑他。

5.This means frequently stepping out of your comfort zone to meet his needs, including roughhousing and playing with your son any way you can.这意味着要经常走出你的安乐区去满足他的需要,包括以你所能的任何方式和你的儿子大吵大闹和玩耍。

6.On frequently and four or five hundred age SLATE road, stroking age trace, as if the air has past great empire of strong breath.踏上动辄便有四五百岁高龄的石板路,抚摸着岁月的痕迹,仿佛空气中都有往昔大帝国的强盛气息。

7.Trace flags are frequently used to diagnose performance issues or to debug stored procedures or complex computer systems.跟踪标志经常用于诊断性能问题,或调试存储过程或复杂的计算机系统。

8.In a typical Web apppcation, Web pages are frequently reloaded, wiping out the memory for that page and starting with a clean state.在一个典型的Web应用程序中,Web页面经常重新加载,清除该页面的内存并开始一个干净的页面。

9.The sheep and the milker hated to hear it howl and said to it: He catches us frequently, but we do not make any noise.绵羊和乳牛讨厌它的号叫,便说:“他常常捉我们,但我们并不大呼小叫。”

10.Smog frequently builds up in eastern China during the winter when weather conditions trap pollutants over the plain.天气状况受到污染物的影响,整个冬天污雾在中国东部频繁增强。