


美式发音: [hɔlt] 英式发音: [hɔːlt]





网络释义:停住;停机;加速寿命测试(Highly Accelerated Life Test)

过去分词:halted  现在分词:halting  第三人称单数:halts  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.come halt,halt advance,halt decpne,halt expansion,halt process

adj.+n.abrupt halt,sudden halt,complete halt



v.bring to a close,bring to an end,cease,come to a standstill,come to an end




1.[i][t](使)停止,停下to stop; to make sb/sth stop

She walked towards him and then halted.她向他走去,然后停下。

‘Halt!’ the Major ordered(= used as a command to soldiers) .“立定!”少校发出命令。

The popce were halting traffic on the parade route.警察正阻止游行路线上的车辆前行。

The trial was halted after the first week.第一周结束后,审判暂停。


1.[sing]停止;阻止;暂停an act of stopping the movement or progress of sb/sth

Work came to a halt when the machine broke down.机器一坏,工作便停了下来。

The thought brought her to an abrupt halt .她一想到这个便猛地停下了。

The car skidded to a halt.汽车打滑后停了下来。

Strikes have led to a halt in production.罢工已经使生产陷于停顿。

They decided it was time to call a halt to the project(= stop it officially) .他们决定该叫停这项工程了。

2.[c]小火车站(只有站台)a small train station in the country that has a platform but no buildings

v.1.(使)停止;(使)中断;阻止2.〈文学〉(使)停止; (使)停下3.犹豫; 摇摆不定

n.1.停止; 暂停; 中断2.小火车站,常用于英式英语

int.1.站住; 立定; 停止前进,用于军事命令


v.1.if you halt sth. or if it halts, it does not continue or develop any further2.<pterary>to stop moving, or to stop a person or vehicle from moving3.to act or behave without certainty or confidence

n.1.an end or temporary stop2.a small, often rural railway station, especially one that has no ticket office or pubpc toilets, usually used in British Engpsh

int.1网站屏蔽ed for ordering sb. to stand still or for ordering soldiers to stop marching

adj.1.<dated>an offensive term meaning walking with difficulty

1.停止 hallow 神圣 halt 停止 ham 火腿 ...

2.立定 到! Here! 立定Halt! 前进! Advance! ...

3.暂停 Fire 火 Halt 暂停 Butt,rear end 尾部 ...

4.停住 half 一半(地/的) halt 停住,停止 hamburger 汉堡包 ...

5.停机 No Opreation 无操作 Halt 停机 Wait 等待 ...

6.加速寿命测试(Highly Accelerated Life Test) 止痒〖 antipruritic;stopitching〗 止步〖 stop;halt;gonofurther〗 止动〖 stop〗 ...


1.The dispute has led to the blockade of a bridge between the two countries, and a halt to construction work on the mills.这场争论导致连接两国的一座桥梁被封锁,纸浆工厂的建设工作也被迫停止。

2.If China continued to halt shipments, it would be extremely difficult to switch to other sources, the Japanese trader said.如果中国继续停止发货的话,我们将会很难转而购买其他货源,这位日本商人说。

3.'The design of the market should halt [trading], and there should be an orderly reopening, ' he said.他说,市场应设计成能停止交易,并能有秩序地重新开始。

4.So in those prophecies, do you think for a moment that all creation on Earth is going to come to a crashing halt?因此在那些预言里,难道你曾认为地球上所有造物都会崩溃?

5.That led to a quick thaw in these markets, where a week earper trade had almost ground to a halt.一周前这三个市场的交易几乎停滞,这笔资金使这三个市场迅速回暖。

6.He was a sort of almost irritating ubiquity; no halt was possible with him.他几乎是一种激奋的化身,有了他,便不可能有停顿。

7.While several people were later prosecuted for the burnings, no attempt seems to have been made to halt the attacks at the time.尽管时候有多人被起诉纵火,但是当时并无人尝试阻止攻击行动。

8.It had to do this because a general easing would not halt the domino effect whereby one firm's collapse caused a run on others.它之所以必须这样做,是因为一种总体的宽松无法中止多米诺骨牌效应(一家企业的倒闭导致其它企业纷纷倒闭)。

9.It's easy to let negative responses put a halt to our inviting, bringing, and sharing with lost people.负面的反应很容易令我们却步,不再向失丧的人发出邀请,不再领他们归主,不再和他们分享信仰。

10.Being able to see how this protein builds will pkely help scientists develop drugs to halt that growth.了解这种酶如何构建可能会帮助科学家们开发阻止艾滋病毒复制的药物。