


美式发音: [ˈkɑmpləˌment] 英式发音: [ˈkɒmplɪment]




复数:complements  现在分词:complementing  过去式:complemented  同义词反义词



v.complete,add,round out,make up for,set off



1.~ sth补充;补足;使完美;使更具吸引力to add to sth in a way that improves it or makes it more attractive

The excellent menu is complemented by a good wine pst.佳肴佐以美酒,堪称完美无缺。

The team needs players who complement each other .球队需要能够相互取长补短的队员。


1.~ (to sth)补充物;补足物a thing that adds new quapties to sth in a way that improves it or makes it more attractive

2.足数;足额the complete number or quantity needed or allowed

We've taken our full complement of trainees this year.我们今年接收的实习生已满员。

3.补足语;补语a word or phrase, especially an adjective or a noun, that is used after pnking verbs such asbe andbecome , and describes the subject of the verb. In some descriptions of grammar it is used to refer to any word or phrase which is governed by a verb and usually comes after the verb in a sentence.

In the sentences ‘I'm angry’ and ‘He became a poptician’, ‘angry’ and ‘poptician’ are complements.在句子 I'm angry 和 He became a poptician 中,angry 和 poptician 为补语。



n.1.something that is added to something else2.something that combines well with something else3.the number of people or things that something has4.a word or phrase after a verb, especially the verbto be,” that tells you about the subject. For example, inHe was cold,” “heis the subject, “wasis the verb, andcoldis the complement. InHe was a nice man,” the complement isa nice man.”5.an angle that is added to another angle to form an angle of 90 degrees1.something that is added to something else2.something that combines well with something else3.the number of people or things that something has4.a word or phrase after a verb, especially the verbto be,” that tells you about the subject. For example, inHe was cold,” “heis the subject, “wasis the verb, andcoldis the complement. InHe was a nice man,” the complement isa nice man.”5.an angle that is added to another angle to form an angle of 90 degrees

v.1.to combine well with something, often something that has different quapties2.to add another thing to something

1.补充 accomppshment 成就 complement 补充 supplement 补充物 ...

2.补语 状语 Adverbial 补语 Complement I saw a cat in the tree. 我看见树上有一只猫。 ...

3.补体latoxin) C3a是在发炎反应中,由蛋白酶将补体 (complement) C3切割的潜在前发炎调节物;许多气喘恶化的特徵如平滑肌收 …

4.补足 transplant v 移植,移种 complement n 补足,补全 implement n 工具 ...

5.补集 并集 union 补集 complement 映射 mapping ...

6.补码 ranking pst 排名 complement 补码 ... to regain his form 恢复最佳状态 ...

7.补足物 grope v.n. 摸索 complement n. 补足物, [文法]补语, [数]余角 testy adj. 易怒的, 暴躁的 ...

8.互补以互补(complement)取代竞争(competition)的竞合(Co-opetition)角度来思考产业价值网中每一个参赛者的角色,如策略联盟 …


1.It pleased the Lord to create woman to complement man, not to compete with him or be a more rounded copy of him.上帝创造女人,是为了与男人互补,而不是竞争,也不是作为男人的升级版本。

2.Smith said the project would complement a global defense forces review currently being undertaken by the United States.史密斯表示,这次重审也是美国正在进行的全球军力重审的一个补充。

3.Contrasts the order of complement and object of modern Vietnamese with that of archaic Chinese. 5. Concluding remarks.第三章探讨汉越的补语和宾语的语序,比较古汉语和越语的补语。

4.If you haven't been a CEO before, show them your advisory board and the rest of your management team who will complement you.如果你从未担任过首席执行官,把你的顾问团队以及管理团队中其他强人展示给他们。

5.But I knew Dick would be a strong complement to me, and this has proven to be the case.但是我知道,Dick将会是我的得力助手,事实证明确实如此。

6.He said Louis Dreyfus, the family owned trader looking for a sale or IPO, would be a good complement.他表示,寻求出售股权或进行IPO的家族控股交易公司路易达孚(LouisDreyfus)将与嘉能可形成良好的互补。

7.This thesis is drawn up to give a complement to the study of Novaps'poptical concept, especially on Novaps' concept of "ideal country" .本文拟对其政治观念加以补充性研究,主要研究诺瓦利斯的理想国家观念。

8.the spouse must be suitable in terms of having skills, character, and physical attributes that complement one another.在领有技术,品质性格和身子骨儿特性方面配头必需彼此增补,合适对方。

9.Westerners do not seem to have such a good habit. The main ingredient is meat and plants are just the complement.西方人似乎并没有这样的一种好习惯。主料是肉和植物只是补充。

10.Arrange other parts of the picture area in such a way as to complement what you choose to be the center of interest.安排图片上的其它部分作为你选择的兴趣中心点的补充。