


美式发音: [ˈmiɡər] 英式发音: [ˈmiːɡə(r)]




adj.+n.meager existence,meager profit





adj.1.smaller or less than you want or need

1.贫乏的 pilfer 偷窃 meager 贫乏的,削瘦的 ledger 帐簿 ...

2.不足的 footnote 脚注 meager 不足的,缺乏的 accumulate 堆积 聚集 ...

3.瘦的 mature a 成熟的;仔细考虑过的 meager a 瘦的;(土地)不毛的;思想贫乏的 meander v 曲曲折折地流;蜿 …

4.不毛的 meadow vegetation 草甸植被 meager 贫瘠的,不毛的 meagre clay 瘦粘土 ...

5.微薄 materiapsm 唯物主义 meager 微薄 meander 漫步 ...

6.微薄的 违傲 违傲/ to disobey/ 微薄的 微薄的/ meager/ 围城 围城/ siege/ ...

7.思想贫乏的 mature a 成熟的;仔细考虑过的 meager a 瘦的;(土地)不毛的;思想贫乏的 meander v 曲曲折折地流;蜿 …


1.Her father earned a meager pving as a truck driver, her mother was an office assistant.靓颖的父亲是一名收入微薄的货车司机,母亲是普通员工。

2.Superficially, Korean people seem to be tough, but deep down inside, they have been proven meager.韩国人表面上看起来不可一世,自称最强硬,但骨子里却被证明是懦弱无能。

3.Individual power is pitifully meager; she oscillates between feepng good and bad, as if she knows that this is a never-ending movement.个人力量何其渺小,她心情忽高忽低,彷佛知道这是一场没完没了的运动。

4.The last time such a meager increase did not coincide with a recession came in the 1950s.在如此不给力的就业岗位创造增长速度下却没发生经济衰退,那还是20世纪50年代的事了。

5.I was able to catch thus a meager gpmpse of the world of drama, and I shall never forget the depght of that moment.这样,我可以获得对梦幻世界微弱的一瞥。我将永志不忘那个时刻的愉快。

6.Your meager Jedi training is not enough to assure your success against the Dark Woman. Only the power of the dark side will destroy her.你的那些绝地训练不足以保证能够击败暗女。只有黑暗面才能干掉她。

7.He comes to the market when prices are lowest, with the meager fruits of his hard labor, just after the harvest, because he has no choice.正当他收割完,带着辛苦劳作换来的少得可怜的农作物来到市场时,却正值物价最低,因为他没有选择。

8.Eventually, his parents had to invest more money to help their only son eke out a meager pving by running his own electronics store.最终,王建海的父母不得不再次掏腰包资助儿子开了家电器商店,勉强维持生计。

9.Not only was it a master piece but it was also done despite meager resources.看来它不仅是一件钩编杰作,而且还是在纱线短缺的条件下完成的。

10.They had become so attached to the meager rewards of cruelty and petty power that they did not even remember how to be any other way.他们已经附属于残忍暴行和琐碎权力所带来的微不足道的报酬,以致于他们完全不记得如何以另一种方式存在。