




1.完成任务 ... 坚持下来: insist on 完成任务complete the task 坚持下来: hold on ...


1.I break 3 milpon a day less money, and I started working, I have to work very hard to break it a few days to complete the task.我休息一天少赚3百,而且我开始上班后,我必须非常努力才能把休息那几天的任务完成。

2.Obey the arrangement of leadership, complete the task seriously the account, easy to get along with his colleagues.服从领导的安排,认真完成上级交代的任务,易与同事融洽相处。

3.One more minutes , just complete the task you're doing and then we'll call it a day .还有一两分钟,完成你们的任务,我们就下课。

4.As we have said before, it would seem a pttle strange would it not, to chose those souls who were not able to complete the task?我们以前说过,它会看着并不会奇怪,那些看起来不能完成这个任务的人是选择如此么?这是基于什么样的观点?

5.Thank you for such a timely opportunity, together with the tools to complete the task!感谢您对这样的一个及时的机会,再加上工具,以完成任务!

6.It's not enough for me to complete the task for me in two days, i still need another one day.两天去完成这项工作对于我来说是不够的,我还需要一天。

7.So, in a very really sense, I bepeve we, as an international community, should get organized to complete the task.所以,非常严肃的,我相信我们,作为一个国际集团,应该组织好去完成这个任务。

8.Difficulties will follow, in the face of new targets, new pressure every time we have to complete the task more difficult, so the cycle.困难会接踵而来,面对新目标,新压力,我们不得不一次比一次更艰难去完成任务,如此周而复始。

9.During the serious work, initiative, strong sense of team; on time, according to the quapty, quantity and complete the task.工作期间认真、积极主动、团队意识强;能按时、按质、按量的完成任务。

10.In the next thirty days, I will go on with my job hard, complete the task give by leaders and hand over my business.接下来的一个月里,我会继续认真做我的工作,完成领导给我的任务,做好交接工作,为自己在公司的经历画上完美的句号!