




1.台北国际电脑展台北国际电脑展CompuTex)、世界资讯科技大会(WCIT)和MIT的活氧计画,这三个同样在今年6月举行的活动,有什麽共 …

2.台北电脑展台北电脑展(Computex)即将在台北世界贸易中心举行,时间从6月4日至6月8日共五天。[详细]北京播音主持考前培训 播音主持 …

3.台北国际计算机展台北国际计算机展(COMPUTEX)似已成为全球最大软件厂商微软(Microsoft)发表重要产品推出时程的场合之一,继2009年微软 …

4.中国台北国际电脑展中国台北国际电脑展computex),海盗船(CORSAIR)展台模特的俏丽双眸。     IT科技 性感!

5.台北国际电脑展览会在日前举行的台北国际电脑展览会(Computex)期间,数位音效业者DTS公司和晶片业者Broadcom公司分别展示了其DTS-HD M…


1.The answer appears to be yes, if the propferation of tablets at Computex, a trade show held this week in Taiwan, is anything to judge by.如果仅凭本周在台湾举行的贸易展Computex来推断平板电脑产业将增长的话,那么答案看起来就是肯定的。

2.At Computex, Acer announced that it would use Android together with an Intel chip.宏基在Computex上宣布它将同时使用Android和英特尔的芯片。

3.If the vendors at Computex had a common slogan, it would be "more for less" .如果参加台北国际电脑展的厂商有个口号的话,那一定是“更多的产品,更低的价格”。

4.The changing role of the Taiwanese manufacturers is apparent this week at the annual Computex technology trade show in Taipei.台湾制造商的角色转变在本周台北举行的一年一度的电脑技术贸易展中清晰可见。

5.Hon Hai's problems have hung in the background of this week's Computex technology trade show in Taipei.鸿海的问题一直在本周台北国际电脑展(Computex)的背后若隐若现。

6.Now they have reconfirmed those plans, with an official launch scheduled for early June at Computex 2009.现在,他们重新肯定了这些计划,并预计将于6月初Computex2009大会上正式发布。

7.Tech companies gathered here expressed support for mainstay PCs, saying tablets aren't a be-all, end-all.北国际电脑展(Computex)上参展的高科技公司表达了对主流个人电脑的支持,说平板电脑并非终极目标。

8.The Santa Clara, Capf. -based graphics chip maker introduced the new wired model at the Computex 2011 trade show in Taipei.圣克拉拉,加利福尼亚图形芯片制造商,在2011年台北的计算机贸易展上发布了新的有线模型。

9.But that didn't keep them from introducing their own tablets at the Computex exhibition that kicked off.不过,这并没有妨碍他们在刚刚开幕的展会上推出自己生产的平板电脑。

10.Designed by Wolf King, this unique round-type keyboard was presented at Computex 2007 in Taipei.这款键盘于2007年现身于台北电脑城,由沃尔夫王国设计。