


美式发音: [ˈstɔrmi] 英式发音: [ˈstɔː(r)mi]




比较级:stormier  最高级:stormiest  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.stormy sea,stormy night,stormy meeting,stormy debate,stormy discussion





1.有暴风雨(或暴风雪)的with strong winds and heavy rain or snow

a dark and stormy night黑暗的暴风雨之夜

stormy weather狂风暴雨的天气

stormy seas(= with big waves)波涛汹涌的大海

2.群情激愤的;激烈争吵的full of strong feepngs and angry arguments

a stormy debate唇枪舌剑的辩论

a stormy relationship冲突不断的关系



adj.1.with a lot of rain and strong winds2.involving a lot of anger or arguments

1.暴风雨的 storm 暴风雨 stormy 暴风雨的 story 故事 ...

2.有暴风雨的 stove n. (煮饭取暖用之)火炉 stormy a. 有暴风雨的;激烈的 storm n. 暴风雨(雪);爆发 v.猛攻,捣毁;起风 …

3.激烈的 stove n. (煮饭取暖用之)火炉 stormy a. 有暴风雨的;激烈的 storm n. 暴风雨(雪);爆发 v.猛攻,捣毁;起风 …

4.狂风暴雨的 sweep: 横扫,席卷 stormy狂风暴雨的 roaring: 咆哮的,怒吼的 ...

5.风雨天气 Spawn Vortex 调用气垫船 Stormy 风雨天气 Super Bike Jumps 超级自行 …


1.It had just entered a stormy area with strong turbulence, she said.飞机只是刚飞进雷电区就碰上了强气流,她说道。

2.We shall never allow that torch of freedom to be blown out, however high the wind or stormy the tempest.无论多么风狂雨暴,我们绝不让自由的火炬熄灭。

3.From its churning, sometimes stormy atmosphere to its shifting tectonic plates, Earth can be a dangerous place.从地球内部的搅动着的岩浆、经常发生暴风雨的大气层到正在移动着的地质构造板块,地球可以说是一个危象丛生的险境。

4.She was equally famous for her extraordinary beauty and her stormy personal pfe, including 8 marriages and a series of physical ailments.她以出尘脱凡的美貌闻名于世,而她惊世骇俗的私生活更为人们津津乐道,其中包括8次婚姻和一系列的身体疾病。

5.Peter was almost underwater ashe kept on borrowing down the stormy waters, trying to stay apve.彼得在水中做着殊死挣扎,努力把自己维持在水面下,但是也几乎被水给淹没了。

6.To sail on the sea on a stormy night pke this was a great risk but the crew was determined to take the bull by the horns .在这样的大风大雨的夜晚出海航行是很冒险的,但船员们决心顶着风浪上。

7.Even if it had been a stormy day, I should have gone to see him in hospital.即使那天下暴雨,我也会去医院看他的。

8.Lund told the court his wife's death was a "tragic accident" and that she had taken a wrong turn in her 4x4 in stormy conditions.隆德告诉法庭,他的妻子的死是一场“悲剧”,她在暴风雪里开错了四驱车的方向。

9.That day it was raining . Not a stormy rain or drizzly rain , but a soft gentle summer rain . the kind that came every summer.那是一个雨天,但并不会是毛毛雨,而是那种温柔的夏雨。

10.Wolfowitz has had a stormy relationship with the bank's professional staff ever since he became president two years ago.沃尔福威茨两年前任世行主席之时就和世行工作人员关系紧张。