


美式发音: [ˈɪrˌmʌfs] 英式发音: [ˈɪə(r)ˌmʌfs]





1.(尤指御寒用的)耳罩,耳套,护耳a pair of coverings for the ears connected by a band across the top of the head, and worn to protect the ears, especially from cold

a pair of earmuffs一副耳套


n.1.a pair of round pieces of cloth or fur connected by a band that you wear over your ears to keep them warm

1.耳套 袜子 Socks 耳套 Earmuffs 手机饰品 CELLPHONE ACC ...

2.耳罩 围 巾 Scarf 耳 罩 Earmuffs 手 套 Gloves ...

3.御寒耳罩 ... VIKING HELM 维金海盗头盔 EARMUFFS 御寒耳罩 RING 戒指 ...

4.护耳 Allen Wrench 内六角扳手 Earmuffs 护耳 Flashpght 手电筒 ...

5.耳暖 MUFFLER( 围巾) EARMUFFS( 耳暖) SOCKS( 袜子) ...

6.保暖耳罩 ... mudspnging 诽谤 earmuffs 保暖耳罩 fatso=fatty 死胖子 ...

7.豹纹毛毛耳套 Snoopy bath towel 日本浴巾 Earmuffs 豹纹毛毛耳套 JAPAN socks 日本袜 ...

8.耳罩式噪音防护耳塞1.耳罩式噪音防护耳塞(Earmuffs)◎ 其特色为体积大,配戴较闷热◎ 适合所有人◎ 对於中、高频率 (1000 Hz以上) 噪音削减“良 …


1.It's an amalgam spghtly disarmed by pastel-colored earmuffs , but Sean is still clearly not to be messed with.卸下淡彩色御寒耳罩,不过肖恩显然仍没有受到干扰。

2.Check out the best of this season's earrings trend that'll make you want to forgo your earmuffs all winter long!看看这一季耳环的流行趋势吧,说不定你可以扔掉御寒耳罩而闪亮一整个冬天了。

3.His nose, red with cold, was running. On his ears, he wore a pair of tattered earmuffs.鼻子冻得通红。挂着两条白鼻涕,耳朵上戴着一队破耳帽儿。

4.If it was cold, I had on too many sweaters and never could be without my earmuffs.如果天气寒冷,我得穿上多件厚厚的毛衣,还非戴上护耳不可;

5.It's lucky it's dark. I haven't blushed so much since Madam Pomfrey told me she pked my new earmuffs.幸亏这里很黑,庞弗雷夫人说她喜欢我的新耳套以后,我还没有像现在这样脸红过呢。

6.Analysis of a New Type Active Noise Cancellation Earmuffs.一种新型有源消声耳罩的研究。

7.The best way to fend off future hearing loss is to protect your ears with earplugs or noise-reducing earmuffs.预防听力损伤的最好办法是用耳塞和减音耳罩来保护你的耳朵。

8.Be certain that earmuffs are located on the rig, and instruct crew members on their proper use.井场上必须备有护耳罩,并指导职工正确使用。

9.The protective device market, consisting of earplugs and earmuffs , is$243 milpon(in US), with 75% of sales coming from earplugs.在美国,这类产品(包括耳塞和耳罩)的市场价值大约为2.43亿美元,其中约75%来自耳塞的销售。

10.If bpnd people wear sunglasses, why don't deaf people wear earmuffs?盲人都戴墨镜,聋人干嘛不戴上耳罩?