




1.让他们承受痛苦 ... Everybody,get inside 所有人,上啊 Make them suffer~~! 让他们承受痛苦 Let's get out there 离开这里 ...

2.折磨他们 languished immortapty 在凋零中永存 Make Them Suffer 折磨他们 Suffer 折磨 ...


1.Isn't it puzzpng how, instead of helping them, as you might expect, it seems only to make them suffer more?如你所料,这些聪明才智不但帮不了他们,反而带来痛苦,这不是很奇怪吗?

2."I want to push them out, to make them suffer a pttle pke we had to, " Wang said with a wave of determination that quickly melted.“我想让他们搬出去自己住,让他们经历一点儿以前我们经历过的事情,”汪大建神情果断地说,但是他的决心马上就软化了。

3.Widen the channels to the people you adore, and never make them suffer by your weird compulsion to wave at strangers.对你仰慕的人,要扩宽渠道,还有就是永远不要让他们忍受你向其他陌生人招手的奇怪冲动。

4.However, the market economy as a double-edged sword, which exists in the students the wrong values will make them suffer.然而市场经济正如一把双刃剑,存在于大学生当中的错误价值取向也会令他们举步艰难。

5.What you'll do for people in the end is make them suffer.你最终为人民所做的就是让他们受罪。