





The concluding line, speech, or scene of a play or an act.


A short addition or concluding section at the end of a literary work, often dealing with the future of its characters.


The concluding part, especially of a musical composition.


The act or an instance of mopping up; a concluding operation.

扫尾工作扫尾、结束或最后结束的动作或例子; 结束的行动


名词: concluder | 动词过去式: concluded | 动词过去分词: concluded | 动词现在分词: concluding | 动词第三人称单数: concludes |


结束的, 最后的



名词: concluder | 动词过去式: concluded | 动词过去分词: concluded | 动词现在分词: concluding | 动词第三人称单数: concludes |


close | assume | end | presume | finish | terminate | decide | deduce | complete | infer | reason | accomplish | reckon | gather | suppose | stop | finish off | settle | clinch | arrange | achieve | determine | fulfil | surmise | think | resolve | reason out | judge |


commence | begin | start |



conclusive  terminal  eventual   concludingconcluding[kənˈklu:diŋ]adj.
1.翻译:结束的 见:conclude: concluding


动词 conclude:

decide by reasoning; draw or come to a conclusion

同义词:reason, reason out, conclude

bring to a close


reach a conclusion after a discussion or deliberation

同义词:conclude, resolve

come to a close

同义词:conclude, close

reach agreement on


形容词 concluding:

occurring at or forming an end or termination

同义词:final, last, terminal


1. Sometimes, there was an introductory part, called yan, and a concluding part, called qu or luan.


2. The presider of the hearing announces the concluding of the case hearing.

(六) 听证主持人宣布听证结束。

3. Part 4 to characterizations for a complete random normed module to be random reflexive ;Part 5to concluding remarks.


4. Goldstein in concluding that probably many genetic variants, rather than few, “are responsible for the majority of the inherited risk of each common disease.


5. MYM: Before concluding an interview, as NGL manager, what you have to say?


6. PRAP's physical scientists charted those changes, concluding, for instance, that in the fourth century B.


7. "And that's Big Brother on the hu chin." She again concentrated on the concluding performance.


8. A firewall papers, the contents of concluding a strong, has a certain reference value.


9. The concluding statement of its meeting on Friday emphasised the importance of maintaining stable growth and did not refer to previous concerns about overheating in the economy.


10. Last week, in concluding the debate on the budget, the Financial Secretary once again drew attention to the distinction between the fiscal reserves and the Exchange Fund.


11. Soinstead of concluding my speech with the customary "Good-bye," allow me to say "Good luck and much happiness!


12. But poets appear to have better staying power than novelists; and current American poetry, which is discussed in the concluding chapter, has many excellences.


13. The relevant enterprise shall establish a stable labor relationship with the reassigned workers by concluding labor contracts or agreements for a term of 1 year or more.


14. After concluding his business with the manager, he took his exit from the room with a bow.


15. Moreover, WTO members tend not to complain about such arrangements since many of them are parties to RTAs themselves or have an interest in concluding such agreements.


16. China has taken an active part in the negotiations on CTBT, with a view to concluding a comprehensive test ban treaty no later than 1996.


17. Therefore, the author of this paper, by concluding and discussing on the audit events in the Chinese Security Market, concludes the main factors causing audit risks.


18. Chair2: Tsi-Yang Chen (professor, Department of Law, National Taipei University) says a few concluding words.


19. The squad then went through a long tactical session before concluding with a training game.


20. Consequently, problems on the legal power of contracts arise such as the time and place of concluding the contract, digital evidence and electronic signature.


21. As these dissenting views were rather significant,I shall discuss them first in my concluding speech before dealing with certain other problems.


22. He intended to establish a holy bourgeois utopia by concluding equal social contracts.


23. The US representative confirmed that the United States had not sought, and would not seek, to negotiate with Taiwan on concluding a free trade agreement, and that the media reports are untrue.


24. He also stated that the Trademark Law provided that the trademark registrant may, by concluding a trademark licensing contract, authorize another person to use its registered trademark.


25. He inflated his chest; he seemed to rise on tiptoe to make his concluding speech.


26. There is little likelihood of concluding business at your price.


27. The relevant enterprise shall establish a stable labor relationship with the reassigned workers by concluding labor contracts or agreements for a term of one year or more.


28. But by the time the oversized jersey was in place and Mourning stepped to the podium to address the crowd, concluding the 43-minute halftime break, he had regained his composure.


29. But when the horror passes we may begin to try to reconstruct the series of actions leading up to the concluding action of the blow.


30. A topic acting in the role of a concluding summary.


31. Your paragraph should be rounded off with one or two concluding sentences, which are very important.


32. And when he had seen the vision, we immediately endeavored to go forth into Macedonia, concluding that God had called us to announce the gospel to them.


33. After Paul had seen the vision, we got ready at once to leave for Macedonia, concluding that God had called us to preach the gospel to them.


34. And when Paul had seen the vision, immediately we sought to go on into Macedonia, concluding that God had called us to preach the gospel to them.


35. Methods of concluding a document include reiterating key points, drawing a conclusion or making a judgment, making recommendations, and suggesting a course of action.


36. There are five chapters except for the introduction and the concluding remarks in the dissertation.


37. Strong traditions link Hong Kong with the events surrounding the Mongol incursions and the concluding chapters of the Song Dynasty in the 13th century AD.


38. Coinsurance may appear in the form of establishing a coinsurance group or concluding a coinsurance agreement.


39. The best performances came with the concluding bout between the two finalist teams, one from Xi'an Jiaotong University from China and the other from the University of Malaya.


40. At the finish(end,closing,concluding)of the play,most of the audiences were touched.


41. However, European canners are not in a hurry to by, and seem to adopt a "wait and see" approach before concluding any purchase.


42. The concluding part of a phrase or theme;a cadence .


43. The terminus ad quem of the Vedic period is marked by the composition of the Upanishads, which form the concluding part of the Vedic corpus in the traditional compilations.


44. I myself was unable to see the concluding episode as my DVD player "obligingly" refused to play it to keep my curisoty.


45. The key function of the draft judgment was, instead of concluding a verdict, to provide analysis of the cases with all nomological considerations.


46. In concluding that NEPA is purely procedural, the Court referred to the statement of environmental policies in section 101 as "precatory".


47. Both sides are committed to concluding the negotiations as soon as possible,but without compromising the shared objective of achieving a high-quality FTA that will have real and mutual benefits for the two economies.


48. MIDWAY through Wednesday morning in the second week of June, a brief beep sounded inside New Trier High School here, concluding another year of rigor and ambition.


49. On the foundation of concluding the functions of DPS, the necessity of establishing the deposit insurance system in China is analyzed.


50. The proposal of glory fifty-year is exactly true, when concluding the semicentennial accomplishment of China diplomacy.


51. In concluding this section James points to one of the easiest way we can examine if the Word of God is not having the effect on our minds that it should.


52. Before concluding that a poor user experience results from a poorly performing server, it is important to correlate the user issues with observed degradations on the server.


53. In the final concluding remarks, put forward the initial suggestion about Applying of electronics letter of credit and making of correlating laws to our country.


54. The concluding part points out the limitation of the research and hopefully implications of the study.


55. Then the author summarized for the whole text and reiterated the important of solicitude to the reality of our country in concluding remarks.


56. After guess and concluding, alibaba's form chases fadein to be shown.


57. Before concluding, the Delegation noted that on the previous day, China had celebrated the Chinese New Year, a traditional and important day for 1.3 Billion Chinese people.


58. Let's take a quick look at each of these before concluding this section of the chapter.


59. In concluding this talk I wish to emphasize my advocacy for analytic number theory by saying again that the theory flourishes with or without the Riemann hypothesis.


60. In concluding, I show that the analysis of skewness is linked to all three streams of literature devoted to explaining the Bowman paradox.


61. In this concluding chapter, Collins attempts to integrate the findings in his two books.


62. During the concluding remarks, as each speaker praised the next, only the chief U.S. official on the scene drew an undiplomatic response.


63. In the concluding remarks of the paper, some explanations and extensions have been made, centering on the research topic of the paper and the ethnology study itself.


64. A medieval Italian or Proven?l lyric of varying stanzaic form,usually with a concluding envoy.


65. The assessment was made in a Concluding Statement by an IMF Staff Mission IMF Mission following annual consultation discussions with Hong Kong.


66. The majority rationalizes its view by concluding that the terms "loss" and "miscarriage" necessarily limit the term "transmission.


67. If there are circumstances that a Court may consider "Suspicious", this may result in the Court concluding that the Testator lacked Capacity.


68. The concluding part of a stroke, after a ball or other object has been hit or released.


69. The concluding part of a stroke,after a ball or other object has been hit or released.


70. After a courageous 3-year battle against cancer, on January 8, 1996, Mitterrand passed away in his 7th Arrondissement Paris office, concluding his life of 79 years.


71. This paper analyses how to incarnate the unconstraint principle of contracts in the concluding, effectiveness, rights of contracts and in solving disputes, etc.


72. The Forum invited four scholars of international standing to deliver public lectures, concluding with a panel discussion.


73. Without taking anything away from all these adult learners, you can't help concluding that the lifelong learning initiative has been far from a success.


74. The concluding part of a phrase or theme; a cadence.


75. Music The concluding part of a phrase or theme; a cadence.


76. It is found Zongzhi can act respectively as derivation marker, stressing marker, concluding marker, concession marker as well as topic marker in different contexts.


77. In concluding a contract, the parties thereto shall implement the principle of good faith.


78. When the service was concluding, the governor's wife beckoned him to her.


79. Concluding paragraph should restate the thesis sentence in other words.


80. The nonlocal people arrange way during the period of Dalian buys house concluding a contract which kind of connection buying insurance comparatively?
