


美式发音: [ˈkɑndəm] 英式发音: [ˈkɒndɒm]






1.(男用)避孕套,保险套,安全套,阴茎套a thin rubber covering that a man wears over his penis during sex to stop a woman from becoming pregnant or to protect against disease

2.(女用)避孕套a thin rubber device that a woman wears inside her vagina during sex to prevent herself from becoming pregnant


n.1.a thin rubber tube that a man covers his penis with during sex, in order to prevent a woman from becoming pregnant or to protect against sexual diseases

1.避孕套 condenser 冷凝器电容器 condom 避孕套 conference call 多边电话会谈 ...

2.保险套 colon 结肠 condom 阴茎套,避孕套 conjoint twin 连体婴 ...

5.男用避孕套 1.女性保险套( femidom) 2.男性保险套condom) ‧基础体温法( Basal Temperature) ...

8.卫生套 ... 子宫颈帽 Cervical cap 卫生套(保险套) Condom 含杀精剂的卫生套 Condom with spermicidal lubricant ...


1."If they're trying to become a mistress, they won't take a condom when they go to meet this man, " she said.“如果他们做了情妇,开工前他们一般不会让款爷们带上安全套,”她说。

2.After all, you don't want the person you are getting ready to have sex with staring at you as you fumble with a condom.毕竟,你并不希望在你苦苦探索如何佩戴避孕套的时候,那位你正准备发生性行为的伴侣一直凝视着你。

3.Condom are available free of charge (usually located at the front desk) but lube is going to cost you.安全套免费提供(通常在前台领取)但润滑剂是要花钱买的。

4.According to the Daily Mail account, Assange did not use a condom at least one time during their sexual activity.《每日邮报》的说法是,在他们的性活动期间阿桑奇至少有一次没有使用安全套。

5.He said the villagers, as long as he wearing a condom, his wife after the kids will not be renewable.他对这个村民说,只要他戴安全套的话,他的老婆以后就不会再生小孩了。

6.If I were in a phase of pfe in which condom use figured, I'd buy some male condoms and some female condoms and keep both in my purse.当我有可能用上它们时,我会同时买一些男用的和女用的避孕套,放在我的钱包里。

7.As if it so easy to become pregnant, by a man with a condom.仿佛是那么容易怀孕,一个安全套的人。

8.The condom campaign has not been finapsed, but museum sources said the project was progressing well.避孕套展工作还没有完成,但是博物馆资源说该项目进展顺利。

9.While she was apparently not happy about the condom breaking, the two were seen the next day at the seminar, and nothing appeared amiss.对于安全套破裂她似乎不高兴,但是第二天两个人还是出现在研讨会上,看起来没什么不对头。

10.After putting on a condom you may need to jerk yourself off for a second to get it a bit harder before you stick it in her.在戴上安全套之后,你可能在插入先需要动一动你的老二让它接受点刺激使得变的硬一点。