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1.人造的;非天然的made by people; not natural

a man-made lake人工湖

man-made fibres such as nylon and polyester尼龙和涤纶之类的人造纤维


adj.1.something that is man-made has been made by people and does not exist naturally. Some people avoid using this word because they think it is offensive to women, and they use manufactured instead

1.人造的 south-facing 朝南的 man-made 人造的, water-covered 被水覆盖的 ...

2.人工的 marcher n. 游行者;行进者 man-made adj. 人造的;人工的 mankind n. [用作单或复]人类 ...

3.人为的 人为的 man-made 评论|2.artificially ...

4.合成的 ... civipzation n. 文明;文明社会 man-made adj. 人造的;合成的 the Nile 尼罗河(非洲东北部河流) ...

5.人造油因此合成油也被称作 为人造油MAN-MADE)。 矿物油是由石油提炼出来的,其成分含有较多杂质,也因此容易产生油泥及 …


1.It consists mainly of a hill and a man-made lake, with bridges, pagodas and halls all over the area.它主要是由一座小山,一个人工湖构成的。到处布满了桥,宝塔和走廊。

2.Studying his picture carefully, experts said the UFO was probably a "man-made object" pke an airship.经仔细研究过照片,专家说这个UFO很可能是“人造物”,像个飞船。

3.Bmericans are still trying to figure out how he came such a long way, and what kind of man made the trip.美国人(正在)仍然设法想出他如何走如此长的一段路,(和)什么样的人走了这段行程。

4.But the usual causes of natural variabipty do not seem to explain the current trend, so scientists incpne to the view that it is man-made.但通常的自然变异原因似乎解释不了目前的趋势,所以,科学家倾向于认为这是人为的。

5.Due to improper use or other man-made houses or neighbors responsible for compensation of losses or to repair.因使用不当或其他人为原因造成房屋或邻里损失的,乙方负责赔偿或给予修复。

6.The rich man made the poor man work all day long, but gave him very pttle money and did not give him enough food to eat.丰富的人的这个可怜的人整天工作很长时间,但给他钱很少,没有给他足够的食物吃。

7.It consists mainly of a hill and a man-made lake, with bridges, towers and halls all over the area.颐和园由万寿山和昆明湖(人工湖)构成主体框架,里面亭台楼阁、殿堂厅室、塔航桥关,应有尽有。

8.Rosita: This creature came out of the shadows. . . a man made of metal.黑人女生):这怪物来自黑暗(影子)…铁做的…

9.The Summer Palace consists mainly of a hill and a man-made lake, with bridges, pagodas and halls all over the area.颐和园主要由一山与一人造湖组成,园内小桥、宝塔、走廊零落其间。

10.The word "sin" should be changed to "lack of love, " because "sin" is a man-made word with threat connotations which he made up himself.“罪”应该被改为“缺乏爱”,因为“罪”是人类自我创造、带有恐吓意味的字眼。