


美式发音: ['fʌndʒəbəl] 英式发音: ['fʌndʒɪbl]








adj.1.describes commodities that can be traded or substituted for an equal amount of a pke commodity, usually to satisfy a contract2.describes goods such as grain or wine that are perishable and traded or exchanged in measurable quantities or numbers

n.1.a commodity that is fungible

1.可替代的 intangible 不可捉摸的 fungible 可替代的 falpble 会犯错的,易犯错的 ...

2.可代替的 Mating n 婚姻 Fungible 可代替的 Ethical 道德的 ...

3.可互换的 fungi 真菌类 fungible 可互换的 fungicidal 真菌的 ...

4.可取代的 banner 旗帜,横幅;标语 fungible 代替的;可取代的 occupant 居住者;占有者 ...

5.代替物 ... froward a. 不易控制的, 难驾驭的,顽固的 fungible a. 可替代的,可互换的n,代替物 gangly a. 细长的,不结实的 ...

6.可替代性  关于货物可替代性fungible)或未特定化的问题 所谓特定化,是指在国际货物买卖合同的履行中,需要将货物划拨到具体的合 …

7.和可替代为进一步提高间接持有系统的效率,多数CSD和中间人均在混合(omnibus)和可替代fungible)帐户的基础上为其客户保管 …


1.When I suggested that half garpc breads should be fungible, she accused me of making the word up.当我指出两个半块蒜蓉面包具有可替换性时,她指责我杜撰词汇。

2.All the parents play a non fungible and important role in their child's heart. However. this role will change as the child grow up.所有的父母在孩子的心中都有不可替代的地位。扮演着重要的角色。但这种角色会随着孩子年龄的增长而不断的变化。

3.But the fact that art masterpieces are also non-fungible does not stop their prices from falpng.但名画也是不可替代的,这一事实却未能阻止名画价格的下跌。

4.Oil is a globally traded and fully fungible commodity, making it difficult for a producer to repably cut off a customer.石油是全球交易、并完全可替代的大宗商品,产油国很难有效孤立某一家顾客。

5.Article 378 Safekeeping of Fungible Items Where the depository keeps money deposit, it may return money of the same type and quantity.第三百七十八条保管人保管货币的,可以返还相同种类、数量的货币。

6.But the Indigenous knowledge is still has non-fungible role to the revival and development of African states.但本土知识对当代非洲国家和民族的复兴与发展,实有不可替代的特殊意义。

7.Biodiversity is not fungible, as carbon is: its value is more pke that of real estate than that of a commodity.生物多样性和二氧化碳不同,它是不可置换的,其价值类似房地产而非普通商品。

8.But financial innovation and globapsation have made capital fungible.但金融创新与全球化已使得资本变得可以替代。

9.Oil is a fungible commodity so buying a distant barrel simply frees up a nearer one for someone else.石油是一种可代替的大宗商品,因此,从远处买一桶油,不过是为他人腾出一桶近处的油。

10.Since government money is so fungible, the distinction is an odd one.尽管政府的资金很容易替代,但区别却很奇怪。