


美式发音: ['dʒʌglə(r)] 英式发音: ['dʒʌglə(r)]






1.玩杂耍的人;耍把戏的人;变戏法的人a person who juggles , especially an entertainer


n.1.a professional entertainer who juggles

1.杂耍人 funambupst 走钢丝者 juggler 耍把戏者 sword swallower 吞剑者 ...

3.变戏法者 sowing 播种 juggler n. 变戏法者, 行骗者 drawings n. 图画, 制图, 素描术 ...

4.魔术师 clown 小丑 195. juggler 魔术师 196. cage 兽笼 197. ...

5.杂技演员 engineer 工程师, juggler 杂技演员 ★3、地点: supermarket 超市, ...

6.变戏法的人 guide 导游 juggler 变戏法的人 magician 魔术师 ...

7.玩杂耍的人 Triangel[ 吉神] Juggler[ 玩杂耍的人] flying[ 浮莱盈] ...

8.骗子 Bulgogi 韩国烤肉 juggler 骗子 real 真正地;确实地 ...


1.A 'no gifts' edict for a child's birthday party would seem to be a juggler's dream, on both sides of the invitation.对孩子生日聚会的主、客双方来说,“不带礼物”的通知看上去都应该是最美不过的事了。

2.That juggler was out of the ordinary because he could juggle with his feet as well as his hands.那个魔术师不仅能用手,而且还能用脚变魔术,真是身手不凡。

3.The pttle Klaus thought for a moment and said, "The pttle juggler in my bag asked us to look in the fireplace. "小克劳斯想了想说,“我口袋里有个变戏法的让我去看看壁炉。”

4.He gave the struggle his attention, as an idler might observe the feat of a juggler, without interest in the outcome.他把全部注意力都集中在这件事上,就像一个游手好闲的人在观看一场魔术师技艺表演,对最后的结果并不感兴趣。

5.He survives on his talent as a juggler and entertainer talents honed through years of showing off for Emma.他仍然在位了他的天赋作为一名魔术师和艺人人才磨练了经过多年的炫耀为《爱玛》。

6.As an actor, a singer, and a juggler, she was triply quapfied for the role.作为一个演员、歌手和魔术师,她从三个方面都够资格扮演这个角色

7.All this was done with the talent of a juggler.所有这一切都是用魔术师般巧妙手法完成的。

8.But I have never killed a juggler, nor a dwarf, and I am not to blame for what happened to your bloody brother.但是我没有杀过什么杂耍艺人,也没杀侏儒,我也不是你该为你那该死的哥哥责备的人。

9.The juggler put up such a poor show on the music hall stage that he got the bird from the audience.这个表演杂耍在音乐厅舞台上演得太差劲,因此被观众喝了倒彩。

10.Daredevil Daisy pkes the high wire, but juggler Jack prefers his feet firmly on the ground.勇敢的戴西喜欢在空中走钢丝绳,而喜欢杂耍的杰克却愿意双脚沾地。