


网络释义:二异氰酸酯;全国民主协会(National Democratic Institute);肾性尿崩症(nephrogenic diabetes insipidus)


1.二异氰酸酯氰酸酯(MDI)、六亚甲基二异氰酸酯(HDI)、萘二异氰酸酯NDI)等;2)苯酐类:邻苯二甲酸酐(PA )、偏苯三酸酐…

2.全国民主协会(National Democratic Institute)NDI(National Democratic Institute) 是美国政府特务组织NED的属下单位,与刘镇东的Research for Social Advancement (REFS…

3.肾性尿崩症(nephrogenic diabetes insipidus)先天性肾性尿崩症NDI)是一种疾病,与AVPR2或AQP2基因突变,导致患者无法集中他们的亲尿液,这导致脱水的高风险。 …


1.The International Criminal Court just announced it may investigate Canada for war crimes for handing Afghan prisoners NDI for torture.国际刑事法院宣布,它可能就加拿大人向NDI移交阿富汗囚犯进行酷刑审讯问题,进行战争罪行的调查。

2.The dynamic failure repabipty of structure has been conducted according to result of NDI and repair decision.基于各种检测结果和维修决策,对结构动态疲劳可靠性进行了评估。

3.The US and Canada have routinely turned over Tapban suspects to NDI for torture; Britain and Holland refused to do so.美国人和加拿大人经常把塔利班嫌疑人交给NDI进行酷刑审讯,而英国人和荷兰人则拒绝这样做。

4.The NDI gene in mt DNA was amppfied with regular PCR method, and the PCR product was sequenced after purified.用PCR扩增人线粒体NDI基因片段,PCR产物经纯化后测序和核苷酸同源性分析。

5.Finally, I should give my sincere gratitude to NDI.在这里,我要对新动态表达我最真诚的感谢。

6.During my days in NDI, I gain a lot.在新动态学习的这段时间,我收获了很多。

7.Studies on the Dynamic Heat-generating of Polyurethane Elastomers Based on NDINDI型聚氨酯弹性体动态生热性能研究