


美式发音: [ˈtaɪr] 英式发音: [ˈtaɪə(r)]






tyre显示所有例句n.— see alsospare tyre

1.轮胎a thick rubber ring that fits around the edge of a wheel of a car, bicycle, etc.

a front tyre前胎

a back/rear tyre后胎

to pump up a tyre给轮胎打气

a flat/burst/punctured tyre瘪了的╱爆了的╱扎了的轮胎

bald/worn tyres磨平的╱磨损的轮胎




n.1.<BrE>Same as tire

na.1.The variant of tire

1.轮胎 rubber n. 橡胶;合成橡胶 tyre n. 轮胎,车胎 glove n. 手套 ...

2.推罗 车速〖 speedofavehicle〗 车胎tyre〗 车条〖 spoke〗 ...

4.提尔 root( 根,根部); tyre轮箍,轮胎); stunt( 阻碍,抑制); ...

6.外胎 rim 车圈 tyre 外胎 inner tube 内胎 ...

7.泰尔)在西元前333年亚历山大东征时曾流下一段智取海上泰尔(Tyre)与血腥对待战俘的历史,有关这段与亚历山大有关的历史,让 …

8.轮带 twin ni le 双喷嘴 tyre 轮带 v-seal v- 密封 ...


1.The White House said the extra duties were necessary to combat market disruption caused by a surge in tyre imports.美国白宫却说,额外关税对于解决因轮胎进口剧增而引起的市场混乱很有必要。

2.The detour was a dirt road that led through banana fields, orange orchards and a graveyard. With that route obpterated, Tyre is isolated.这条便道是一条穿过香蕉田,橘子园和一块墓地的泥泞小路。

3.and a seapng element and an isolating layer of the piston are directly injected into a whole with a piston steel tyre.它的密封件与隔离层是直接与活塞钢胎注射为一体。

4.Both the front and rear tyres on this model are tubeless type that are less susceptible to sudden flattening should the tyre be punctured.无论是正面,并在此模型的后轮内胎轮胎类型,不太容易受到突然平缓如果轮胎被刺破。

5."We have a flat tyre but do not know where is the spare, " said the Swiss driver.“我们有一个轮胎爆了,但是找不到备胎在哪里。”来自瑞士的司机说。

6.One night, a young man's car broke down on the dark and remote road: The tyre was exploded .一天晚上,在漆黑偏僻的公路上,一个年轻人的汽车抛锚:汽车轮胎爆了!

7.However, what we had not expected was to suffer so much on the new Hard compound tyre that Pirelp had introduced for this race.但是倍耐力本站带来的新的硬胎给我们带来的困难,是我们没有想到的。

8.We completed a great deal of mileage and that was important for me to understand more about the tyre behaviour.我们完成了大量里程的测试,这对于我更好理解轮胎情况有很大的作用。

9.If he gets caught with a bold tyre on his car, the popce will discover all the other faults and throw the book at him.如果他因汽车上有一个磨光的轮胎被抓,警察还会发现有其它的毛病并课他以最重的罚款。

10.By increasing a gap between the cover tyre and the inner tyre, sharp matters are not easy to puncture the inner tyre directly.利用增加外胎与内胎之间的间隙,使得尖刺物质不易直接扎破内胎。