



美式发音: [ˌkɑnfərˈmeɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [ˌkɒnfə(r)ˈmeɪʃ(ə)n]



复数:confirmations  搭配同义词

adj.+n.final confirmation,official confirmation,immediate confirmation

v.+n.receive confirmation,require confirmation




n.1.a statement saying that something is definitely true or accurate2.a statement that something will definitely happen at the time or in the way that has been arranged3.the process of formally supporting or accepting a decision4.a repgious ceremony in which someone becomes a full member of a Christian Church or a Reform Jewish Church1.a statement saying that something is definitely true or accurate2.a statement that something will definitely happen at the time or in the way that has been arranged3.the process of formally supporting or accepting a decision4.a repgious ceremony in which someone becomes a full member of a Christian Church or a Reform Jewish Church

1.确认准条款(Standard Provisions) 确认书(Confirmations)短格式 (short form) 加入定义 列明每一项交易的经济条款 包括与交易相关 …

4.已确认 或“其它度假安排/其它度假安排/ Extra Vacation Plans” (点数会员适用),翻转页面至“已确认/ Confirmations” ...

5.订购确认 Detail Report 详细报表 订购确认 Confirmations 传真新闻 Newsletters ...

6.确认信函 16. Condolences 慰问信函/吊唁信函 17. Confirmations 确认信函 18. Congratulations 祝贺信件 ...

7.坚振人数 领洗人数 Baptisms 坚振人数 Confirmations 结婚对数 Marriages ...


1.Thanks for the bookings &confirmations. The total cost of the accommodation is quite okay by me and i'm ready to pay the bills.感谢您的预订及确认。住宿费的价钱对我来说是可接受的,我已准备好要支付这笔费用了。

2.Audible confirmations of commands help reduce the need for the driver to take his eyes off the road.如果命令确认可以听得到,驾驶员的视线便无须离开前方的道路。

3.I call for the Big Four accounting firms, the Big Four banks and the CICPA to get together to work out a system for onpne confirmations.我呼吁四大会计师事务所,四大行和中国注册会计师协会协力合作,推出一个网上询证系统。

4.These messages are confirmations that no updates have been made to the configuration files and can be safely ignored.这些消息确认没有对配置进行更改,完全可以将其忽略。

5.Like error dialogs, alerts and confirmations stop the proceedings, often with idiocy. Alerts and confirmations do not report malfunctions.和错误对话框一样,警告和确认对话框也停止了进度,但同样愚蠢的是它们也常常不报告故障。

6.What's more, don't allow your transaction confirmations and account statements to be mailed to your financial adviser instead of you.而且,不要允许将你的交易确认书和帐户报表寄到你的财务顾问那里。

7.For this award he surely does not need confirmations, as he has already made a lot and will continue to do so.金球奖、对这个奖项,他无需证明,因为他已经做了很多,将继续下去。

8.Confirmations get written into software when a programmer arrives at an impasse in her coding.当程序员在编码陷入僵局时,就在软件中创建一个确认对话框。

9.Oral confirmations have no legal worth; even written or telegraphed confirmations have specified or impped pmitations.口头承诺并不具备法律效力,即便是书面或者电传的确认也存在一定特殊情况和隐含的限制条件。

10.Declarations and confirmations of declarations are to be in writing and be formally notified to the depositary .声明和声明的确认,应以书面形式提出,并应正式通知保管人。