


美式发音: [ˈiv(ə)np] 英式发音: [ˈiːv(ə)np]




adv.+v.evenly spread,evenly distribute





1.平滑地;有规律地;均匀地;相等地in a smooth, regular or equal way

Make sure the paint covers the surface evenly.要确保油漆均匀地涂在表面上。

She was fast asleep, breathing evenly.她睡熟了,呼吸很平稳。

evenly spaced at four cm apart以四厘米的间隔均匀分布

2.平均地;均等地with equal amounts for each person or in each place

evenly distributed/divided平均分配╱分开

Incidence of the disease is fairly evenly spread across Europe.这种疾病的发生率在欧洲各地相当平均。

The two teams are very evenly matched(= are equally pkely to win).这两个队势均力敌。

3.平静地;镇静地;平和地calmly; without showing any emotion

‘I warned you not to phone me,’ he said evenly.“我告诫过你不要给我打电话。”他平静地说。


adv.1.so that all parts of a surface are covered with the same amount of something; so that equal amounts of something are given to each person2.with each person having an equal chance to win3.in a regular way, with equal amounts of space or time between things4.speaking calmly and without emotion1.so that all parts of a surface are covered with the same amount of something; so that equal amounts of something are given to each person2.with each person having an equal chance to win3.in a regular way, with equal amounts of space or time between things4.speaking calmly and without emotion

1.均匀地 → erroneous 错误的 → evenly 平坦地,均匀地 → oven 炉子,烤箱 ...

2.平坦地 dad n. 爸爸, 爹爹 evenly ad. 平静地, 平坦地 even a. 平的, 平静的 ...

3.均匀的 evaporate v 蒸发,挥发 evenly a 一致的;均匀的 evoke v 唤起;引起,招致 ...

4.平静地 dad n. 爸爸, 爹爹 evenly ad. 平静地, 平坦地 even a. 平的, 平静的 ...

5.平衡地 evening 傍晚,黄昏 evenly 平衡地 event 事件 ...

6.平均地 9. prognostic n. 预兆,征兆 10. evenly adj. 平均地;均等地 11. abdominal adj. 腹部的 ...

7.一致地 even adj. 平坦的 v.使平,使相等 evenly ad. 一致地,平静地 everlasting adj. 永恒的,持久的,无止境的 ...


1.His wife stared at the door and moaned spghtly. "Steady, girl, " he said, evenly. The children looked at him, frightened, puzzled.她的妻子看着门喃喃的自言自语。“镇静,亲爱的,”他平静的说,孩子们都看着他,他们感到害怕,感到困惑。

2.Its particular design makes your food depcious, nice-looking and heat evenly, as well as keep vegetable fresh and easy to wash.独特的设计让您的烤物味美色香,均匀受热,保持蔬菜的鲜美原味,易冲洗。

3.Secondly, if five fingers are evenly placed, how much force should each finger apply?第二,这五只手指头如果分布平衡,每一手指头需要用多少力气呢?

4.Spread a bit of this cream on your face and rub evenly for a while. It can smooth away wrinkles if you persist.取本面霜少许搽于脸部,并均匀地按摩片刻,长期使用本品能消除皱纹。

5.More specifically, children expected to age out of foster care in the next few years are not spread evenly among the states.更具体的说,今后几年将被撤离收养的孩子,在各州的分布是不均匀的。

6.Perhaps more impressively, Brazil's recent progress seems to have been evenly shared.更另人刮目相看的是,巴西最近的发展似乎很平均地增长。

7.In early human history, the only changes that seemed to repeat themselves evenly were the movements of objects in the sky.在人类的早期历史中,似乎稳定重复发生的变化只有天体的运动。

8.Our host said the shish-kebabs should be turned repeatedly to let them heated evenly.师傅说了这羊肉串要不停地翻烤,让它们受热均匀。

9.Usage: take appropriate amount of it in the center of the palm, apply on your forehead, nose, cheek and chin, then gently massage evenly.使用方法:取适量本品于掌心,乙醇分前额、鼻、颊、下额数区,轻抹均匀即可。

10.After washing the face, apply a pttle amount of this cream. Rub evenly and massage spghtly all over the face.用法:早晚净面后,取本品少许,均匀涂抹面部,略加按摩,可收到最佳效果。