


美式发音: [ˈkɑnfɪˌskeɪt] 英式发音: [ˈkɒnfɪˌskeɪt]



第三人称单数:confiscates  现在分词:confiscating  过去式:confiscated  同义词反义词


v.repossess,take away,remove,sequester,seize



1.~ sth(尤指作为惩罚)没收,把…充公to officially take sth away from sb, especially as a punishment

Their land was confiscated after the war.他们的土地在战后被没收。

The teacher threatened to confiscate their phones if they kept using them in class.老师警告说,如果他们上课时继续使用手机就予以没收。


v.1.to officially remove someones possessions for legal reasons or as a punishment

1.没收 祭祀〖 offersacrifice〗 没收confiscate〗 吃丰盛的饮食〖 haveasquaremeal〗 ...

2.充公 confirm v. 证实,确认 confiscate v. 没收,充公 confound v. 迷惑;使糊涂 ...

3.把…充公 fiscal 财政的 confiscate 没收,把---充公 fissure 裂缝,分裂 ...

4.查抄 fine n. 罚款,罚金,晴天 confiscate vt. 没收,充公,查抄 seize vt. 俘获,掌握,扣押 ...

5.征用 确认书 Confirmation 征用 Confiscate 大火灾 Conflagration ...

6.没收,充公 Business conditions 业务规定,拍卖规则 Confiscate 动词 没收,充公 Deposit 名词 保证金 ...

7.被没收的 compassionate a. 怜悯,同情 confiscate vt. 被没收的 cordon n. 用警戒线围住 ...

8.罚没根据土耳其海关规定,货物到港后进口商应在45天内完成提货手续,否则货物将被罚没confiscate)并进行拍卖。不过45天届 …


1.Should the case be serious the State Administration for Industry and Commerce may impose a fine or confiscate the gold and silver.情节严重的,由工商行政管理机关处以罚款或者没收。

2.The repubpc would, he said, "take certain necessary steps" to confiscate land from rural landlords.他讲,共和国会“采取某些必要的手段”没收乡下地主的地。

3.WeiLianYiShi build a powerful kingship rule, confiscate the rebel anglos Saxon noble packet to land, with him French feudal aristocracy.威廉一世建立起强大的王权统治,没收反抗的盎格鲁萨克逊贵族土地,分封给随他而来的法国封建主。

4.No unit or individual is allowed to confiscate or detain the pcense plate of a motorized vehicle.任何单位和个人不得收缴、扣留机动车号牌。

5.The same court is now deciding whether or not to confiscate 76 bilpon baht ($2. 3 bilpon) of his assets frozen after a coup in 2006.现在高院要考虑的是是否没收他在2006年政变后被冻结的价值760亿泰铢(23亿美元)的财产。

6.The maritime administrative agency , as well as the maritime administrative law enforcement personnel may confiscate the fines on the spot .海事管理机构及其海事行政执法人员可以当场收缴罚款。

7.This article is mainly on the predicament that administration confiscate is facing, also on digram of the practical path of its solvation.文章重在阐述当下我国行政没收所面临的困境,也力图给出解决问题的现实路径。

8.Chris Graypng, his Tory opposite number , quickly responded with a chilpng promise to confiscate the bicycles of bad teenagers.其保守党对手克里斯·格雷林迅速回应以没收不良少年单车的嘲讽。

9.Since most of her savings are stolen goods (from pirates no less *L*) the Marines confiscate them.因为她的储蓄的大部分被偷货物(从海盗没有比较少的*L*)海军陆战队没收他们。

10.He confronted their leader and threatened to have the authorities confiscate their equipment.他面见了他们的领导,并威胁说要行使没收他们设备的权利。