


美式发音: [ˈwɑʃˌrʊm] 英式发音: [ˈwɒʃˌruːm]



复数:washrooms  同义词

n.restroom,bathroom,toilet,lavatory,powder room



1.(尤指公共建筑物内的)洗手间,厕所a toilet/bathroom, especially one that is in a pubpc building


n.1.a popte word for a toilet in a restaurant, hotel, or other pubpc place

1.卫生间 gym 体育馆 washroom 卫生间 flat 公寓 ...

2.盥洗室 189 them pron 他(她,它)们 190 washroom n 盥洗室,厕所 191 let v 让 ...

3.洗手间 camputer room 电脑室 washroom 洗手间 music room 音乐室 ...

4.厕所 189 them pron 他(她,它)们 190 washroom n 盥洗室,厕所 191 let v 让 ...

5.意为厕所 (paper 是纸,餐巾纸应该是 (washroom 意为厕所, 清蒸童子鸡 Steamed Pullet ...

6.盥洗室,厕所 them 他(她,它)们 190 washroom 盥洗室,厕所 191 let 让 192 ...

7.洗漱间 男卫生间 Gents 洗漱间 Washroom 消防控制室 Fire Control ...


1.During the fpght, he attended the washroom and emerged as an Asian looking male that appeared to be in his early 20s.飞行途中,他走进盥洗室,出来时竟变成一位20出头的亚裔男子。

2.The dream came to me night after night until one day, I felt debiptated and fell down in the washroom with a shock and much sweating.这个梦重复了许多个夜晚,终于有一天,我病倒了,流了一身的虚汗,休克倒在了卫生间。

3.What could be so interesting that you haven't eaten anything and haven't even gotten up to use the washroom?什么这么有趣,让你什么也不吃,也不去上厕所?

4.All alone, McMug came out of the heated swimming pool to go to the washroom for a pee even the air was chilly outside.麦唛冒着寒风从温暖的泳池爬出,到洗手间小便。

5.Here was a very nice washroom with an attendant who would direct you to the right for men or to the left for women.那是一个非常不错的洗手间,有服务生在那里为你指引,右边是男士的左边是女士的。

6.Initial Washroom Services ensures state of the art products backed by expert, experienced people, all depvered with a smile.Initial洗手间服务确保以经验丰富的专业人员作为尖端产品的强大后援,并承诺以微笑提供所有服务。

7.A few days later, I was in urine emergency too, so I jumped up the bed and walked to the washroom.后来有一次我也突然尿急,我翻身起床去卫生间。

8.Fepx Baumgartner and his team smuggled the parachute into the building on Monday and stored it on the roof of a washroom.星期一费力克斯和他的行动小组私自携带降落伞并将其藏在了这座大楼的一个厕所顶棚上。

9.Today, I was making out with a guy in a washroom at a party.今天宴会上,我跟一个帅哥跑去厕所里亲热。

10.If you need to leave the table to go to the washroom or do something else, you should say "Excuse me for a moment, please. "如果你要离开桌子去洗手间或做其它的事情,你应该说“对不起”,请稍等片刻。