


美式发音: [ˈswɪmɪŋ] 英式发音: ['swɪmɪŋ]






1.游泳;游泳运动the sport or activity of swimming

Swimming is a good form of exercise.游泳是很好的锻炼方式。



n.1.an activity in which you swim for enjoyment, for exercise, or in races

v.1.The present participle of swim

1.游泳 潜水 |deepblue 游泳 |swimming 越跑越野 |running ...

2.游水 chloe n. 克洛伊 swimming n. 游水, 目眩 myth n. 神话, 神话式的人物(或事物), 虚构的故事, 荒诞的说法 ...

3.正在游泳 swimming 是动名词 swimming 正在游泳 swim 游泳 ...

4.游泳运动 building 大楼,建筑物,房屋 swimming 游泳,游泳运动 pool 水池,水塘 ...

5.泅水 (18) 指水军[ troops fight on the waters] (1) 泅水,游泳[ swimming] (4) 用水测平[ level] ...

6.游泳状态 mounted 骑乘状态 swimming 游泳状态 flying 飞行状态 ...

7.游泳比赛 Unit 3 Diving 跳水比赛 Unit 4 Swimming 游泳比赛 Unit 5 Canoeing 皮划艇赛 ...

8.游泳的..............._百度知道 ... mall 购物中心 swimming 游泳的 photos 照片 ...


1.True, Kapalua Beach is only one of a thousand Hawaiian beaches. However, it is one of the best for swimming.是的,卡帕鲁瓦只是夏威夷上千个沙滩中的一个,却是最最适合游泳的那个。

2.While he has said he will crack down on cocaine production, he appears to be swimming against the current.他口口声声要严厉打击可卡因生产,可自己却偏偏逆流而动。

3.When did you think you are most smart? : When in high school , I got a medal in swimming at National athletic meet .什么时候认为自己很敏捷灵巧:当我高中的时候,我在全国游泳比赛中获得了奖牌。

4.A memorable way to think about this action whilst you are swimming is to visuapse a smiley face drawn on the palm of your hand.一个令人难忘的方式去思考这个动作,而你在游泳去想象在你的手掌有画一个笑脸。

5.I in childhood was a king of the children, frequently caught the fish with the partners to the rill, the swimming.我小时候是一个孩子王,常常和伙伴们到小溪去抓鱼,游泳。

6.A farmer noticed large schools of fish swimming near the surface of the water, which he said, indicated that an earthquake might occur.一个农民注意到有很多鱼在水面上游动,他说这预示着可能有地震发生。

7.So when I heard the children had gone swimming, as they used to all spring and summer, I knew there might be an awful accident.所以当我听说孩子们去游泳了,就像他们过去春夏时节常去那样,我知道很可能就会发生可怕的事情。

8.Paolo : I can't pve out of a backpack. . . Let's get an all inclusive deal. I need my own bathroom, a swimming pool and room service.我受不了背包旅行。让我们和他们谈个协议,我可以要有自己的浴室、游泳池和客房服务的。

9."People think they are just swimming in water when they go for a dip in the sea, " he said. "In fact, they are bathing in a plankton soup. "他说:“人们以为他们去海里泡一泡仅仅是游泳而已,事实上,他们是在一大锅浮游生物汤里洗澡。”

10.The hunted man saw all this over his shoulder; he was now swimming vigorously with the current.这个遭猎杀的人越过他肩膀看到这一切,于是他顺着水流没命地游着。