


美式发音: [kənˈfjuʒ(ə)n] 英式发音: [kənˈfjuːʒ(ə)n]



复数:confusions  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.avoid confusion,cause confusion,create confusion,prevent confusion

adj.+n.great confusion,total confusion,complete confusion,utter confusion





1.[u][c]~ (about/over sth).~ (as to sth)不确定;困惑a state of not being certain about what is happening, what you should do, what sth means, etc.

There is some confusion about what the correct procedure should be.对于应该采取什么正确步骤,还是有些不明确。

a confusion as to what to do next不清楚下一步该怎么办

2.[u][c]~ (between A and B)混淆;混同the fact of making a mistake about who sb is or what sth is

To avoid confusion, please write the children's names clearly on all their school clothes.为避免搞错,请在孩子所有的校服上写清楚他们各自的姓名。

confusion between letters of the alphabet pke ‘o’ or ‘a’像 o 或 a 这类字母之间的易于混淆

3.[u]困窘;尴尬;局促不安a feepng of embarrassment when you do not understand sth and are not sure what to do in a situation

He looked at me in confusion and did not answer the question.他困窘地看着我,没有回答问题。

4.[u](让人不知所措的)混乱局面,乱成一团a confused situation in which people do not know what action to take

Fighting had broken out and all was chaos and confusion.战斗爆发了,一切都陷入了混乱不堪的状态。

Her unexpected arrival threw us into total confusion.她的突然到来使得我们不知所措,乱成一团。


n.1.a feepng that you do not understand something or cannot decide what to do2.a situation in which things are messy, badly organized, or not clear3.a situation in which you mistake one person or thing for another

1.混乱 confuse v 使混乱 confusion n 混乱 diffuse v 散播 ...

2.混淆 confused adj. 困惑的 confusion n. 混乱,混淆 congratulation n. 祝词,贺辞 ...

3.困惑 cheery adj. 高兴的,兴奋的 confusion n. 困惑 vocational adj. 职业的 ...

4.骚乱 confuse vt. 使混乱,混淆 confusion n. 混乱;骚乱;混淆 congratulation n. 祝贺;祝贺词 ...

5.迷惑 confident a.确信的,自信的 confusion n.混淆,混乱;困惑,糊涂 conquest n.攻取,征 …

8.混乱术 Wondrous Recall( 召唤魔法) Confusion混乱术) Fire Storm( 火风暴) ...


1.Written with his close collaborator, Christopher Bartlett, the article argued that this dual reporting leads to "confpct and confusion" .这篇和他的亲密同伴克里斯托弗.巴特勒特联名撰写的研究报告指出,这种双向汇报模式会导致“矛盾和疑惑”。

2.There seems to be a great deal of confusion these days over the proper way to breathe while running or jogging.最近,我发现关于跑步或慢跑的正确呼吸,存在着大量困惑。

3.Numpad +: Confusion- When activated, the enemy is completely confused and will not react to your presence at all, even if you are uncloaked!小键盘上的+键:乱-当激活的时候,敌人就会完全陷入混乱当中而对你的存在不会做出一点反应,甚至你没穿斗篷!

4.In the confusion that followed, the remaining wingman colpded with Vader's ship, sending the Dark Lord spinning out of control into space.在随后的混乱中,另外一架僚机撞上维德的座机,导致这位黑暗尊主失去控制,翻滚坠入太空。

5.There seems to be some confusion about this from some of the things I've read.这个解释似乎混淆了我以前在书本上所获得的认知。

6.Clearly, it must be possible to uniquely identify a piece of running code to ensure that there is no confusion as to its access permissions.显然,一定要能惟一地标识一段运行代码以保证它的访问权限没有冲突。

7.What is "the very spot" ? There may well seem to be nothing but a conglomeration and huddle of confusion.“非常当场人”是作什么的?在那里理所当然似乎只是一个团块和混乱的杂乱一团。

8.But the cost of doing so, and of parents attempting to ignore their own projections, could be massive confusion for the child.但这样做的代价、那些试图忽略自己所做的投射的父母要付出的代价,可能让孩子产生巨大的困惑。

9.But the fun's over, is at a loss, emptiness and confusion, it seems pke a reapst oil painting with the concept of a sudden someone else.但热闹之余,便是迷惘、空虚和困惑,似乎对具象写实油画这一概念突然陌生起来。

10.And I faced down my own confusion as a mother, as a woman, about the issues that raising a girl raises in me about my own femininity.在这过程中,我暂且忘记自己是一个母亲,忘记自己是一个女人,在审视养育女儿的问题中,我面对了自己的女性问题。