


美式发音: [kənˈdʒʌŋkʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [kən'dʒʌŋkʃ(ə)n]



复数:conjunctions  搭配同义词

v.+n.work conjunction




1.[c]连词,连接词 (如 and、but、or)a word that joins words, phrases or sentences, for example ‘and’, ‘but’, ‘or’

2.[c](引起某种结果的事物等的)结合,同时发生a combination of events, etc., that causes a particular result

The conjunction of low inflation and low unemployment came as a very pleasant surprise.低通货膨胀与低失业的同时出现是一大惊喜。

3.[c][u](恒星、行星等的)合the fact of stars, planets, etc. passing close together as seen from the earth


n.1.a word that is used to join words, phrases, clauses, and sentences, for exampleand,” “because,” andbut2.a combination of two or more things3.a situation in which events or conditions combine, usually influencing other events

1.连接词 adjunct n 附属物;助手 conjunction n 结合;连接词 conjuncture n (事情同时发生的)关头,危机时 …

2.连词 preposition 介词 conjunction 连词 donate 捐赠;赠送 ...

3.结合 adjunct n 附属物;助手 conjunction n 结合;连接词 conjuncture n (事情同时发生的)关头,危机时 …

4.联合 juncture 结合点 conjunction 联合, 连接 justice 正义, 公平, 正确, 司法 ...

5.合相 conjugate surd 共轭根式; 共轭不尽根 conjunction 合取 connective 连词 ...

7.连合 conjunct 结合的 conjunction 连合,结合 conjuncture 结合 ...


1.The pilot could then call in ground attack aircraft operating in conjunction with him to attack those troops.试点,然后请在地面攻击飞机的配合攻击他的部队。

2.To encourage this new eating habit, the company used samples and demonstrations in conjunction with a heavy advertising campaign.为了培养这种新的早餐习惯,该公司发动了强大的广告攻势,同时开展了样品品尝和示范活动。

3.As such it is deduced, it can only be the conjunction of the symbopc with a real of which there is nothing more to be expected.真理要体现成为一种绝对知识,只有当象徵符号界与真实界完全弥合,中间不再有任何罅隙存在,才有可能。

4.Or, to build a pst of two or three elements, you can use cons in conjunction with first and rest to simulate pst and append.或者,若要构建包含两个或三个元素的列表,可以将cons和first、rest一起使用,来模拟pst和append。

5.For maximum results, use it in conjunction with your medicine. The fever might be gone in a day or two.为得到最大效果,和药结合起来使用,一两天后就会退烧。

6.Alternatively, or to be used in conjunction with special end sections, peaked roof conversion kits may be used on all "A" framed structures.此外,或将要使用的特殊路段配合年底达到高峰,屋顶转换装置,可在所有“A”的框架结构中使用。

7.an ungrammatical sentence in which two or more independent clauses are conjoined without a conjunction.包含两个或多个错误连接的独立句子。

8.It is only vapd for the reseller accounts and cannot be used in conjunction with any other coupon.仅对于经销商主机有效,且不能与其他优惠码同时使用。

9.It had not hurt him to sketch the project of their conjunction.当他构想让他们结合的计划时,这个计划不曾伤害他。

10.The company is using the buzz-around display to promote its pne of tennis apparel, in conjunction with its sponsorship of the U. S. Open.该公司正在用快速的切换展示宣传自己的网球系列服饰,同时也为赞助美网公开赛作宣传。