




1.奥森 里奥 Leo 奥尔逊 Orson 詹姆士 James ...

4.殴森合唱团 ... QURULI 团团转乐团 Orson 殴森合唱团* EGO 玩美自信 ...

5.欧森乐团 ... 最佳国际专辑-杀手乐团/山姆小镇( Sams Town) 最具突破性国际艺人-欧森乐团O


7.奥尔森乐队而奥尔森乐队(Orson)上周夺冠的专辑《Bright Idea》在上榜的第二周名列本周第六位,比上周下滑了五位。红辣椒乐队(Red Ho…

8.沃森沃森Orson):猪,精明果断,经常扮演领导者的角色。 洛伊(Roy):公鸡,喜欢恶作剧捉弄人(尤其是伟德)。


1.Susan's singing voice was provided by a professional opera singer who, under Orson Welles' direction, sang outside of her vocal range.苏珊的歌声是一名专业的歌剧演员提供的,在奥逊·威尔斯的指示下,她以超出她的音域的声音演唱。

2.Actor Orson Welles had been reading H. G. Wells'book The War of the Worlds on the radio for Halloween.原来是演员奥尔森·威尔斯为了庆祝万圣节在朗读作家H·G·威尔斯的小说《星球大战》。

3.Orson Scott CARD wrote a cyberpunk pastiche, "Dogwalker" (1989), that was apparently intended to make a point about this.奥森·斯科特·卡特写过一篇模仿赛博朋克的作品《狗行者》(1989),明显就是想证明这一点。

4.Orson Welles I'm just a person trapped inside a woman's body.我只是一个困在女性躯体里面的人。

5.But if a modern Orson Welles were to pan his camera beyond the gates, he would not find a bilponaire's mansion.可是,如果有现代的奥逊•威尔斯OrsonWelles打算拍摄大门以外的情景,那么他找不到一所亿万富翁的住宅了。

6.In search of an actor who could provide the menacing voice of the lead villain, director George Lucas initially wanted to cast Orson Welles.在演员谁能够率先提供了语音搜索反派来势汹汹,导演乔治卢卡斯最初想投奥森威尔斯。

7.In actuapty, Orson Welles had the rights to the film, and Turner couldn't have colorized the film even if he had wanted to.事实上,奥逊·威尔斯对影片拥有绝对权利,即使特纳想为本片上色,他也不一定真的会如愿以偿。

8.These men's megalomania was captured in two masterworks: Orson Welles's film "Citizen Kane" and Evelyn Waugh's novel "Scoop" .这些人的自大症在两部杰作中显露无疑:奥逊.威尔斯的电影《公民凯恩》和伊夫林.沃的小说《独家新闻》。

9.Orson: Why do you think I'd know anything about her?你为什么会认为我知道任何关于她的事呢?

10.In the coming-of-age drama, the 22-year-old plays a teenage student who, by luck, gets to work with a young Orson Welles.在这部成长题材的剧情片中,22岁的Zac扮演一个十几岁的中学生,因一次偶然的机会得以和年轻时候的奥逊·威尔斯(OrsonWelles)一同工作。