


美式发音: [ˈdʒɔrdi] 英式发音: [ˈdʒɔː(r)di]

n.〈英〉同“colper”;George 的爱称





1.[c](英格兰东北部的)泰恩赛德人a person from Tyneside in NE England

2.[u](英格兰东北部的)泰恩赛德口音a way of speaking, typical of people from Tyneside in NE England

n.1.〈英〉同“colper”2.George 的爱称

n.1.<BrE>Same as colper2.someone from Tyneside in northeastern England; the type of Engpsh that people speak in northeastern England

1.乔第 Time 时光 Geordie 乔第 Edge of a dream 梦的边缘 ...

2.乔迪 Geoffrey 杰弗里 Geordie 乔迪 Gibbon 吉本 ...

3.基尼 ... georama 空心圆球 Geordie 基尼 George 乔治 ...

4.乔弟 ... TITLE "Edge of a dream 梦的边缘" TITLE "Geordie 乔弟" TITLE "Time 时 …

5.乔迪方言、音乐、体育以及夜生活都相当著名。.因为此地是乔迪人(Geordie)的故乡,所以乔迪人的英国民间歌谣、传统舞蹈以及历史 …

7.乔德人 geoponder 大地应答器 geordie 矿用安全灯 Georef 全地球参数系统 ...


1.In 2006 Linda Walker, 60, woke from a stroke to find that her Geordie accent had been transformed into a Jamaican one.2006年,琳达沃克60岁,从中风中醒来的她发现她的泰恩赛德口音变成了牙买加口音。

2.Geordie Greig (Editor): All her contemporaries at St. Andrews saw her as the most attractive girl there.乔迪·格雷格(编辑):圣安德鲁斯大学与她同辈的学生均视她为校内最美丽的女郎。

3.Impractical as this may sound, Geordie Rose, D-Wave's founder, is optimistic that it is the best way forward for quantum computing.尽管这听起来有点不切实际,但递波的创始人基尼罗斯仍很乐观地表示:这是通向量子运算处理的最佳道路。

4.O my Geordie will be hanged in a golden chain, 'Tis not the chain of many.喔我的乔第将以一条金色锁链被处以绞刑,那不是一条普通的绞链。

5.Geordie Greig: You've never seen her exit a nightclub apart from in the most elegant and supremely poised way, even if it is 3 AM.乔迪·格雷格:你看到,她离开夜店时,即使是凌晨三点,都永远是优雅得体的。

6.Geordie Cheryl used to tuck into her mum's home-made ham and pea soup.GeordieCheryl很喜欢吃她妈妈自己做的火腿与豌豆汤。

7.Their most famous song, "Fog on the Tyne" (1971), was covered by Geordie ex-footballer Paul Gascoigne in 1990.他们最著名的单曲,“泰恩河上的迷雾”(1971),被前保罗•加斯居尼足球运动员乔迪于1990年翻唱。

8.In this way, tourists can find their way even if they don't understand Geordie (the local dialect).这样,游客们可以找到自己的方式,即使他们不明白谢(当地方言)。

9.Where is the Geordie dialect spoken?什么地方说Geordie方言?

10.There is a 'Hughton is a Geordie' banner unfurled at St James'.在圣詹姆斯球场有一个胡顿的圣乔治标语。