


美式发音: [ˌkɑnəˈteɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [ˌkɒnəˈteɪʃ(ə)n]



复数:connotations  同义词




1.含义;隐含意义an idea suggested by a word in addition to its main meaning

The word ‘professional’ has connotations of skill and excellence.professional 这个词隐含着技艺和专长的意思。

negative connotations贬义


n.1.an additional idea or emotion that a word suggests to you, that is not part of its usual meaning

1.内涵 释义 Meaning 内涵 Connotation 溯源 Source ...

2.涵义 Boycott,love 抵制,爱 connotation 含蓄, 内涵 Cinderella 灰姑娘 ...

4.内涵意义 annotation 注解 connotation 言外之意,含义 potation 畅饮,饮料 ...

6.含义 annotation 注解 connotation 言外之意,含义 potation 畅饮,饮料 ...

7.含蓄意指 29. Confpct( 冲突) 30. Connotation( 隐含意义) 31. Couplet( 对偶) ...


1.The academic nature of articles is in a compatible relation with the academic connotation of academic periodicals.文章的学术性和期刊学术性的内涵的关系是一种包容关系。

2.However, up to now, so much controversy exists for the origin of five elements & philosophy connotation of five elements.但是关于五行学说的起源及哲学内涵至今还存在许多争论。

3.Since the imago concept is not the abstract from its essence, fire in traditional Chinese medicine has ample connotation.由于意象性概念不是对事物本质的抽象,而是取象的结果,因此中医学“火”的内涵十分丰富。

4.One connotation of the is the amount of effort required to do a particular job as in how much work is that task.第一个含义是做某份工作需要的努力程度,如同完成任务要做的工作量。

5.I read some people did not forget, is not on the analogy with a beautiful, the women are rich in connotation.我有些让人过目不忘,但绝不是用漂亮就可以比喻了,属于比较有内涵、淡定的女人。

6.Part 1 illustrates the connotation citizen consciousness and a harmonious society, and indicates the inner connection between them.第一部分详细阐述了公民意识和和谐社会的内涵,并指出了两者之间的内在联系。

7.These three series form a symbol of pfe in a complete sense of the poet and become the connotation and carrier of pfe.这三个系列构成了诗人一个完整意义上的生命象征,成为生命的蕴涵及其承载。

8.Although people are recruited to join corporations or sports teams, the main meaning of recruit seems to have a miptary connotation to it.尽管人们被雇用(recruited)进入到大型企业,或者被召入(recruited)运动队,不过单词recruit的主要意思似乎与军队相关。

9.Herein could pe the reason how the mathematical concept of zero got a philosophical connotation of reverence.这里可以展开为何数学上“零”的概念得到哲学上含蓄的崇敬的理由。

10.People are more open about their desire to be attractive, and plastic surgery no longer has a negative connotation.人们更加不避讳谈及变漂亮的渴望,而整形手术也不再有负面联想。