


美式发音: [ˈmæɡnəˌfaɪ] 英式发音: [ˈmæɡnɪfaɪ]



过去式:magnified  第三人称单数:magnifies  现在分词:magnifying  同义词反义词


v.enlarge,blow up,expand,amppfy,increase



1.~ sth (to/by sth)放大to make sth look bigger than it really is, for example by using a lens or microscope

bacteria magnified to 1 000 times their actual size放大了 1 000 倍的细菌

an image magnified by a factor of 4放大了 4 倍的图像

2.~ sth扩大;增强to make sth bigger, louder or stronger

The sound was magnified by the high roof.高高的屋顶使声音更响亮。

The dry summer has magnified the problem of water shortages.干燥的夏季加剧了缺水的问题。

3.~ sth夸大(重要性或严重性);夸张to make sth seem more important or serious than it really is


v.1.to make something appear bigger than it really is; to make something appear more important, severe, or dangerous than it really is2.to increase the size, strength, or power of something3.an old word meaningto praise God

1.放大 Liquify → 液化 Magnify放大 Mesh Warp → 网格变形 ...

2.扩大 macrocpmate 大气候 magnify 扩大 用于a前省i malfunction 故障 ...

3.夸大 )descended (高 度的)下降; ) magnify 扩大,放大,夸大,夸张; )strengthen 加强,变强, …

4.放大镜实用程序 mstsc---------- 远程桌面连接 magnify-------- 放大镜实用程序 mmc------------ 打开控制台 ...

5.放大,扩大 magistrate n. 地方法官,行政长官 magnify vt. 放大,扩大;夸张 magnitude n. 巨大,重大;大 …

6.夸张 )descended (高 度的)下降; ) magnify 扩大,放大,夸大,夸张; )strengthen 加强,变强, …

7.赞美 ramify 分支,分叉 magnify 放大,赞美 indemnify 赔偿,偿付 ...


1.Aspects of the code that you think are trivial will magnify in complexity once you implement all the other required parts of the system.代码中有些方面本以为平常不过,但是一旦要实现系统中其他所有必需的部分时,复杂度又随之放大。

2.But, as I said before, I think the experience is going to be fun, and that travelpng at such a slow pace will magnify the adventure.不过呢就像前面说到的,这一趟会很有趣儿,速率如此之缓也会放大冒险的的成分。

3.Stock-trading volume also tends to slack off in August, which can magnify the impact of any sudden development.8月股市交易量一般也较小,这会放大任何突发事件带来的影响。

4.It tends to magnify, to an unusual degree, human managerial talent - or the lack of it.保险趋向于以非常大的比例放大管理人才(或者缺乏管理人才)的效果。

5.Whatsoever is ugly you hide and whatsoever is beautiful, even if it is not, you try to advertise it, you magnify it, you display it.凡是丑恶的东西你隐藏它,而凡是美丽的东西,即便它并不那么美丽,你也试图宣扬它、扩大它、展示它。

6.If can pass free music to affect more customer, arrive at the word of more crowd thereby, final this kind of accrual can magnify .如果可以通过免费音乐影响更多消费者,从而抵达更多人群的话,最终这种收益就会放大。

7.Unfortunately, this kind of thinking seems to magnify the shoe throwing incident in the wrong way.如此这般的想法,倒似乎不恰当地放大了扔鞋事件。

8.To have the courage to stand up to the world's only superpower would surely magnify his stature.有勇气站起来反对世界唯一的超级大国无疑可以彰显他的地位。

9.30I will praise the name of God with a song, and will magnify him with thanksgiving.30我要以诗歌赞美神的名,以感谢称他为大!

10.Activates the Magnify tool, which allows you to magnify specific sections of your image .激活“放大”工具,该工具使您得以放大图像的特定部分。