


美式发音: [kənˈsɪst] 英式发音: [kən'sɪst]



第三人称单数:consists  现在分词:consisting  过去式:consisted  搭配同义词

v.+n.note consist,part consist

v.reside,pe,be based on,depend on,contain


v.1.(与...)一致,适合;并存,并立 (with)2.〈古〉生存;共存3.由...组成 (of)4.存在于 (in)1.(与...)一致,适合;并存,并立 (with)2.〈古〉生存;共存3.由...组成 (of)4.存在于 (in)

v.1.to be made up of diverse parts2.to be based on or defined by something

1.由…组成 assistant n 助手,助理 consist v 由…组成;与…一致 consistence n 无矛盾,一致 ...

2.构成 consideration n. 考虑;关心 consist v. 包含,组成,构成 constant a. 经常的,不断的 ...

3.一致 vi.&vt. kingdom 王国 n. consist 组成;在于;一致 vi. consist of 由……组成 ...

4.包含 consideration n. 考虑;关心 consist v. 包含,组成,构成 constant a. 经常的,不断的 ...

5.存在于 maneuver 巧妙的移动或调动 consist 在于,存在于 constitute 制定,设立,任命 ...

6.包括 considered a. 考虑过的,被尊重的 consist vi. 符合,包括 const n. 常数 ...

7.符合 considered a. 考虑过的,被尊重的 consist vi. 符合,包括 const n. 常数 ...


1.Companies are trying to make drugs that consist of short sequences of double-stranded RNA, the chemical cousin of the DNA in genes.制药公司试图研制由短的双链RNA组成的药物,相当于DNA基因的化学表亲。

2.The Global Times, a newspaper pubpshed by the Communist Party, said the fleet could consist of two cruisers and one large supply ship.由共产党发行的环球时报报道,舰队可能由两艘巡洋舰和一艘大型补给舰组成。

3.Cloud resources required for deployment consist of a set of supported hypervisors and a pst of IP addresses available to the cloud.部署所需的云资源包括一组支撑管理程序、一个云可用IP地址的列表。

4.Such systems typically consist of small fragments of data that must be quick and easy to use.此类系统通常包含一些必须快速、易用的数据小段。

5.No one today really thinks that school, especially in the early years, should consist of nothing but dreary rote learning.如今,特别是早些年,没有人真正认为在学校里应该只学习如何去枯燥无聊地去死记硬背。

6.Multidigit displays consist of two or more seven-segment displays contained in a single package or module.多位数码显示器由封装在一起的两个或更多7段显示器组成。

7.The Children collection of a Panel element can only consist of UIElement objects.Panel元素的Children集合只能包含UIElement对象。

8.Hindu temples vary regionally, but generally consist of a towering shrine and a columned hall surrounded by an elaborate wall.印度教的庙宇在各地区各不相同,常包括高耸的神龛和带柱子的大殿,墙面雕刻丰富。

9.That means property consist describ that this property, the class invariant, must be satisfied whenever an instance of the class is created.这就意味着无论什么时候创建一个类实例,无论什么创建该属性(或者说类不变式)的一致性都必须得到确保。

10.Within the city, a great deal of grass, trees, and greenery is seen, whereas the outskirts consist of a dusty, rocky landscape.置身于城市中,到处都是大片的草地,绿树,和绿色植被,在郊外由泥土,岩石组成的风景(美不胜收)。