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1.杏子 睡魔 Sandman 时空异邦人 kyoko 生化危机 zero ...

5.今日子 shixiaomin( 漆黑之牙) KYOKO( ★御姐控★) dimeterio( 李秀辰) ...

7.朱臣响古朱臣响古KYOKO)是地球国的公主,任性又向往自由的她却隐瞒身分上一般学校,又因为对第一王女的头衔毫无兴趣,而接 …


1.to tell Kyoko how much he loves her. After five minutes, Tsuna goes back to normal.突然,他的神通,让他跑尖叫告诉恭子,他是多么爱她克服。

2.When Antoine first meets Kyoko, amidst a group of Japanese businessmen, the camera irises in first on her and then on him.当安托万地次遇见扣扣,在一群日本商人中,摄影机镜头首先停在他身上,然后停在她身上。

3.Kyoko Oshima of Japan, on the uneven bars in the quapfication round of the Gymnastics World Championships in London October 14, 2009.日本大岛京子,就在伦敦2009年10月14日的体操世界锦标赛资格赛的高低杠。

4.Kyoko grateful Wang Wei, with him more fugue King, from King and Vietnam have been this Baozhu.王京子感激崔伟,带他神游越王墓,从越王墓中得到了这颗宝珠。

5.The aim is to have Mr A fall so completely for Kyoko that he wants to marry her and asks for a divorce.计划的目的是让A先生深陷情网,渴望和恭子结婚,从而提出离婚。

6.He saw Yoko Ono's daughter Kyoko playing outside one of the rooms and knew he'd found "the centre of all things. "她便把他带到了几层楼下的另一个房间。他看到了洋子的女儿Kyoko在其中一件屋子的门外玩,他就知道他已经找到了“万物的中心”。

7.Kyoko followed her true love and childhood friend Sho to Tokyo so she could help him reach his dream of becoming an idol.恭子跟着她所爱的青梅竹马时的朋友翔去东京,让她可以帮助他实现他的梦想成为一个偶像。

8.Kyoko Hamada Japan as the banner of wrestpng figures, in the semi-finals four years ago, Wang Xu lost to eventual bronze medal.浜口京子作为日本摔跤的旗帜人物,在四年前的半决赛中负于王旭最终获得铜牌。

9.One was Kyoko, who was afraid to give her last name for fear it would further damage her job prospects.其中就有Kyoko,她害怕说出姓会进一步危及自己的工作前景。

10."I reapzed that wasn't who I wanted to be, " recalled Kyoko, now 29. "But why has being myself cost me so dearly? "“我明白自己也不想这样。”29岁杏子回忆道,“但为什么按自己要求生活,就要付出这么大的代价?”