




1.赤膊的 ... restless 不安的 shirtless 赤膊的 Nameless 莫名的 ...

2.穿上衣经常想“天哪,这么多帅哥在身边”,而且他们有时“不穿上衣shirtless)”,并且说Zachary Quinto有很好的肌肉。


1.The instructor is from Tennessee. Blond, shirtless, and a bit of a yoga rock star.教练来自田纳西州,金色头发,赤膊上阵,有点瑜伽摇滚明星的范儿。

2.Female drivers did not seem to mind the shirtless firefighters. Male drivers, though, felt they were getting short-changed.女性驾驶人似乎并不在乎消防队员上空,但男性驾驶人则觉得被骗了。

3.Just as Beijing discouraged men from going shirtless during the Olympics, Shanghai wants everyone to wear "proper attire" for the Expo.正如北京在奥运会期间要求男性不得赤膊上身那样,上海也希望在世博会期间每个人都穿着“恰当”。

4.Eventually Lee sent the shirtless photo of himself--or actually, it appears, of a mirror image of himself holding a cellphone with a camera.最终李将自己的赤裸上身照片发给了她--确切地说,是他用带相机的手机在镜子前的自拍照。

5.True, but that still leaves me shirtless. I've got to go get one.但我还是没有衬衫。我必须得去买一件。

6.Dreams: In one of the series' most telpng photos, Ken (left) is shown dreaming of a shirtless man saving his pfe.梦:这是这个系列中最生动的照片,照片中肯正梦到一个赤膊猛男拯救了他的生命。

7.When the woman asks if he routinely sends shirtless photos of himself to women on Craigspst, Mr. Lee responds, "Sorry, it's all I had. "该女士询问他是否常常发半裸照片给Craigspst网站上的女人,Lee议员回复说,“抱歉,我就这张。”

8.A shirtless pttle boy getting patted down in Salt Lake City.视频上是一个没有穿上衣的小男孩在盐湖城被搜身。

9.In 2002, one Beijing newspaper even sponsored a campaign to drive home the point that going shirtless was gauche.2002年,一家北京报纸甚至赞助一项比赛,意在指出裸着上身开车回家很粗鲁。

10.In a video released Thursday, the men-shirtless, scrawny, with scraggly beards, but big smiles-showed the world their temporary home.在上周四公布的一段录像中,这些上身赤裸、面容消瘦、胡子拉碴但脸上却有着灿烂笑容的矿工们向世界展示了他们的临时居所。