


美式发音: [kənˈspɪrətər] 英式发音: [kənˈspɪrətə(r)]



复数:conspirators  同义词




1.共谋者;搞阴谋的人a person who is involved in a conspiracy


n.1.someone who secretly makes a plan with another person or group to do something bad or illegal, especially in poptics

1.阴谋者 1949 Little Women 小妇人 1949 Conspirator 阴谋者 1950 Father of the Bride 岳父大人 ...

2.同谋者 conspiracy / kEn5spirEsi/ 阴谋 conspirator / kEn5spirEtE/ 同谋者 consul / 5kRnsEl/ 领事 ...

3.阴谋家 collaborator 勾结者 conspirator 阴谋家 drug cartel 制造与贩卖毒品的团伙 ...

4.共谋者 conspiracy n. 阴谋,密谋 conspirator n. 共谋者,阴谋家 constant adj. 稳定不变的,不断的 ...

5.反叛者 ... 反叛 revolt 反叛者 conspirator 反同形性 antiisomorphism ...

6.奸贼 ... ( 奸贼 )[ treacherous court official;conspirator;traitor] ( 奸诈 )[ treacherous;crafty;fraudulent] ...

7.谋叛者 generator 发电机 conspirator 阴谋者,谋叛者 arbitrator 公断人 ...


1.We do not know except that, in Judas, Satan found a wilpng conspirator.我们只知道,撒但在犹大那里找到了一个自愿的背叛者。

2.If he was a conspirator, it seemed inconceivable that he would have done so.如果司机是同谋,那他这么做似乎不可思议。

3.But as written, the character seems too level-headed to be a conspirator to such a crime.但是根据剧本的描写,这个角色以一个犯罪同谋的角度来看,又似乎过于冷静了。

4.A witness testified last week that an alleged Ghailani co-conspirator said he was moving to Yemen just prior to the attack.一名证人作证上周被指控盖拉尼同谋说,他要搬到也门之前,为了attack。

5.He claimed that Donald was en route to Miami Beach to depver the money to a third conspirator .他当时供称唐纳德正在前往迈阿密海滩把这笔钱交给第三个合谋者。

6.In the story, Cao Cao, a minister during the late Eastern Han Dynasty, is depicted as an evil conspirator.在《三国演义》中,东汉王朝末年的宰相曹操,被描绘成一位阴险狡诈的叛国者。

7.A most dangerous conspirator, a man we are ordered to keep the most strict watch over, as he is daring and resolute.一个最危险的谋反分子,一个我们奉命要特别严加看守的人,这个家伙什么都干得出。

8.Six others have pleaded guilty to assisting him, while a seventh alleged conspirator is standing trial.其他六人为协助巴罗特的罪名辩护,而宣称是同谋者的第七个人则正在接受审讯。

9.you speak of phase after the chain as conspirator, keep the same crime (path) unified capber! ! ! ! !总结性的发言一句:大家以后做外链的时候就如同跟同伙犯罪一样,保持口径(路径)统一!

10.She makes her claim in a new book "Conspirator: Lenin in Exile" .她将这一观点写在了新书《反叛者:流放中的列宁》中。