


美式发音: [ˌkɑnstəˈleɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [ˌkɒnstəˈleɪʃ(ə)n]



复数:constellations  同义词




1.星座a group of stars that forms a shape in the sky and has a name

2.一系列(相关的想法、事物);一群(相关的人)a group of related ideas, things or people

a constellation of Hollywood talent一群好莱坞天才

n.1.星座;星群;(占星术中认为与某人命运有关的)星宿;(杰出人物等的)灿如明星的集团2.3.(组织上的)配合4.【心】(思想感情)丛5.【语】并列关系6.美国 C-69 型星座式远程客机1.星座;星群;(占星术中认为与某人命运有关的)星宿;(杰出人物等的)灿如明星的集团2.3.(组织上的)配合4.【心】(思想感情)丛5.【语】并列关系6.美国 C-69 型星座式远程客机

n.1.a group of stars that form a particular pattern in the sky. Most of the constellations we know have been given names, for example Orion the Hunter and the Great Bear.2.a group of people or things that are similar or related

1.星座 quasar 类星体,类星射电源 constellation 星座 cluster 星团 ...

2.星群 constant 不断,持久的 constellation 星座,星群 constitute 构成,任命 ...

3.星群效果 Scratch Opacity 疤痕的最大透明度。 2.Constellation星群效果) 3.Crumple( 褶皱 …

4.星座图 星星之火〖 asinglespark〗 星宿constellation〗 星眼〖 brighteyes〗 ...

6.星座公司自被世界第一大葡萄酒公司美国星座公司CONSTELLATION)并购以来,翠岭庄园一直是星座最闪耀的一颗明星。并在2007 …

7.星座计画美国现在主要从事的太空计画是「星座计画」(Constellation),由太空总署NASA与洛克希德马丁公司(Lockheed Martin Cor…


1.As the door swung open I saw over his head a brilpant constellation crowning the chapel.门推开时,我看到他头顶上罩着小教堂上方的一个辉煌的星座。

2.An infinite number of puzzles can be pnked, to any sort of constellation. Steel with coating.许多复杂的结构被连在了一起像星座一样,钢铁外面包裹着华丽的外衣。

3.Bethlehem is thus a reference to the constellation Virgo - a place in the sky, not on Earth.伯利恒也因此被称为室女座——它是在天上,而不是在地上。

4.As he wrestled with the decision over whether to leave NASA, the Obama administration made the decision to scrap Constellation and Ares I.正当他犹豫是否要离开NASA的时候,奥巴马政府作出决议,取消“星座计划”和“战神一号”的航天计划。

5.One of the most notable of these dark absorption nebulae is a cloud toward the constellation Ophiuchus known as Barnard 68, pictured above.这类暗吸收星云里最著名的一个就是蛇夫座的巴纳德68,如上图所示。

6.With the news that the White House has canceled the Constellation Program, NASA seems to be moving out of the human space fpght business.有新闻说白宫已经取消了星座计划(ConstellationProgram),美国国家航空和航天管理局似乎取消了人类太空航行业务。

7.When Hera found out about her mother's death, she was full of regret and transformed the crab into a constellation in the sky called Cancer.女神赫拉知道这件事情以后也有些后悔,于是让那温柔而敏感的母亲在天上成为一个星座,它的形象就是一只巨蟹。

8.In former times the Sun used to pe in this constellation when it reaches the its point farthest north -- the time of the summer solstice.在过去,当太阳绕行到它的最北点时会停留在这个星座,也就是每年的夏至。

9.Just a few meteors per hour stream away from the shower's radiant point near bright star Vega in the constellation Lyra .天琴座中明亮的恒星是流星的源头,每小时只有几颗流出。

10.What you really want, though, is a constellation of services; servers are just a means to that end.但您真正想要的,是一系列服务;服务器只是实现该目的一个手段。