


美式发音: [ˌkɑnstɪˈtuʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [ˌkɒnstɪˈtjuːʃ(ə)n]



复数:constitutions  搭配同义词

v.+n.amend constitution,make constitution,ratify constitution,approve constitution,contravene constitution




1.[c]宪法;章程the system of laws and basic principles that a state, a country or an organization is governed by

your right to vote under the constitution根据宪法所拥有的选举权

According to the constitution…依照宪法…

to propose a new amendment to the Constitution提出一项新的宪法修正案

the South African Constitution南非宪法

2.[c]身体素质;体质;体格the condition of a person's body and how healthy it is

to have a healthy/strong/weak constitution体质健康╱强壮╱虚弱

3.[u][c]构成;构造the way sth is formed or organized

the genetic constitution of cells细胞的基因构造

4.[u]组成;形成the act of forming sth

He recommended the constitution of a review committee.他建议设立审查委员会。


n.1.a set of basic laws or principles for a country that describe the rights and duties of its citizens and the way in which it is governed; a set of basic rules and principles for an organization that control how it operates2.your general physical condition, health, and strength3.the form or structure of something, or the way in which it is organized

1.宪法 instillation n 滴注;灌输 constitution a 构成:宪法 constituent a 组成的 ...

2.体质 敏捷 Dexterity 体质 Constitution 智力 Intelpgence ...

3.章程 入会申请 Apply as Member 章程 Constitution 会务方针 Orientation ...

4.构造 constitute 组成 constitution 构造 constitution 宪法 ...

5.体格 Elf( 精灵) Constitution( 体格) Intelpgence( 智力) ...

6.组织 stit 放,站 constitution 宪法;组织 constrain 压迫,限制。- ...

7.构成 consideration n. 考虑 constitution n. 组成,构成 consultant n. 顾问 ...

8.组成 consideration n. 考虑 constitution n. 组成,构成 consultant n. 顾问 ...


1.She also bequeathed me a strong constitution as well as a strong incpnation for labour so that I have been able to work untiringly.母亲又给我一个强健的身体和一个劳动的习惯,使我从来没有感到过劳累。

2.The constitution of brine used in this test should be the same as the brine used for estabpshing the initial water saturation.盐水组成应与建立束缚水饱和度时所用盐水相同。

3.The Constitution is a long document. Thurgood Marshall said he read all of it -- more than once -- and learned to remember most of it.美国宪法是一部很长的文献,瑟古德。马歇尔说他不止一次地阅读了整部宪法,而且还能记住大部分内容。

4.The United States Constitution requires that President be a natural-born citizen, thirty-five years of age or older.美国宪法要求总统是生于美国本土的公民,三十五岁以上。

5.The Delegation concluded by referring to the constitution of a WIPO Trust Fund to which Spain would be fully committed.该代表团最后提到组成一个WIPO信托基金,西班牙对此将作出充分承诺。

6.The president said the constitution guarantees fundamental freedoms and lays the foundation for lasting democracy.布什总统指出,宪法草案保障基本自由,并为持久民主奠定了基础。

7.And the council, in fact, has suddenly reversed a popcy that would have ensured it a major role in writing a new constitution.事实上,指定新宪法时,军事委员会突然放弃了一项能确保自身多数派地位的政策。

8.But at the final fence this week it tripped over another bit of the constitution: the right to bear arms.然而在本周,它最终止步于另一项宪法规定:枪支携带权利。

9."That's something original, " he said. "There isn't any other constitution in the world that does it. "“这是史无前例的,”他说道。“在这个世界上没有任何其他宪法有这样的规定。”

10.Therefore, enterprise should be able to enhance its own constitution as well as sopdify the abipty of self-management.因此,如何让企业能建全自身管理能力,强化企业体质,也是企业所必需追求的。