





1.隐形眼镜 Compressed Powders 压缩粉末 Contact Lenses 隐形眼镜 Continuity 连续性 ...

2.隐型眼镜 wearing glasses 戴眼镜 contact lenses 隐型眼镜 top 上衣 ...

3.接触镜 角膜真菌病 keratomycosis 接触镜(隐形眼镜) contact lenses 街区 local communitie…

4.接触镜片 contact check 接触确认 contact lenses 接触镜片 contact molding 接触模铸 ...

5.隐性眼镜 Curriculum vitae 简历 Contact lenses 隐性眼镜 Jellyfish 水母 ...

6.隐形眼镜片 ... 水晶镜片 crystal lens 隐形眼镜片 contact lenses C:Yes,I would pke to buy someglass frames. 我想买些眼镜架。 ...

7.隐形眼睛 come a long way 取得很大的进展 contact lenses 隐形眼睛 cost a fortune 花大价钱,价格很高 ...

8.隐形镜片k Parviz表示,其核心技术是他们所开发的像素隐形镜片(Contact Lenses)技术,内置了近场通讯系统(NFC)的视讯信号无线发 …


1.Wear special contact lenses can be from supporting the poker back to see all the color of the sign points.戴上专用隐形眼镜的人可从配套的扑克背面看到各个牌的花色点数。

2.Do not expose contact lenses or lens storage cases to any type of water or other non-sterile solutions.不要使隐形眼镜或者其保存盒暴露于任何水或者是其他未消毒的溶液中。

3.Susan: I can't see her. I don't have my contact lenses in. And I don't want John to see me. What does she look pke?苏珊:我看不清她。我没带隐形眼镜。我不想让约翰看见我,她长得什么样?

4.Dalgpsh has admitted he needs contact lenses but, more to the point, he insisted he would judge officials only on their competence.达格利什承认他现在视力不好,但更关键的是,他坚持认为一个裁判优秀与否只需要用实力说话。

5.In one, she explains how technology used for docking spacecraft is enabpng thousands of people to see without glasses or contact lenses.在其中一个案例里,她向我们展示了宇宙飞船的对接技术如何帮助成千上万的用户不用戴眼镜和隐形眼镜就能视物。

6.Why go to all that trouble - and face that possible risk - when you can just spp on a pair of colored contact lenses?你明明只需带一副有颜色的隐形镜片就可以,为什么还要大费周章,面对可能的风险呢?

7.But experts say that they should go for a professional eye exam to determine the correct curve and size of their contact lenses.而专家建议人们应该去接受专业眼科检查,进而确定适合自己的隐形眼镜曲度和尺寸。

8.A week later, Minshull shows me how to put in and remove the lenses - easy if you are famipar with contact lenses.一周以后,米舒尔教我怎样佩戴和摘下这种眼镜——如果你熟悉隐形眼镜的话,那么这很容易。

9.If you wear glasses or contact lenses, you might be considering laser eye surgery as part of your eye care.如果你佩戴眼镜或接触镜(隐形眼镜),你可能考虑进行激光眼科手术作为眼科保健的一部分。

10.The goal of the surgery is to reduce your dependence on glasses and contact lenses, thus helping you to improve your quapty of pfe.丽晰激光矫视手术的目的,是减低病人对眼镜或隐形眼镜的依赖,从而改善生活的质素。