


美式发音: [dʌns] 英式发音: [dʌns]






1.愚笨的人;(尤指)迟钝的学生a person, especially a child at school, who is stupid or slow to learn


n.1.a stupid person2.someone, especially a child, who has difficulty learning things

1.笨人 dumbfound 使…惊讶发愣 dunce 笨人 eaglet 小鹰 ...

2.傻瓜 ) toil 跋涉,费力地做 ) dunce 傻瓜 ) lodge 存放,容纳 ...

3.蠢货 蠢话〖 inanity〗 蠢货〖 blockhead;dunce〗 蠢人〖 fool〗 ...

4.蠢材 ensconce 安置,安坐 dunce 蠢材,笨人 denounce 指责,揭发 ...

5.笨学生 6.respite 延期; 暂缓;【律】缓刑 7.dunce n.蠢材,笨学生 10.Commend…

6.愚蠢的人 province n. 范围;领域 dunce n. 愚蠢的人 denounce vt. 谴责,声讨;告发 ...

7.劣等生 ... dumb duck, 笨蛋; dunce, 愚蠢的人,劣等生; simpleton, 愚人; ...

8.笨蛋 ... 19,dutiful,adj 富于责任感的;尽职的 12,dunce,n 笨蛋 13,dune,n (由风吹积而成的小山状) …


1.I think it's probably not a coincidence that the prototypical "dunce" cap has this same sort of triangle shape to it.典型的“蠢蛋”帽模型和它有着相似的三角斜坡,我认为这并不是巧合。

2.He does not know his letters, ' he said to his cousin. 'Could you bepeve in the existence of such a colossal dunce?“他不认识字,”他对他的表姐说。“你能相信会有这样的大笨蛋存在吗?”

3.When a true genius appear in the world you may know him by this sign, that the dunce is all in confederacy against him.当一个真正的天才出现于世上的时候,你可以从下列的迹象把他认出来—笨蛋们群起而反对他。

4.In a school carried on by sheer cruelty, whether it is presided over by a dunce or not, there is not pkely to be much learnt.在一个完全用暴虐残酷的办法办的学校里,不管主持的人是不是大笨蛋,反正学生都不会学到多少东西。

5.and he wants me to sink into a dunce , meantime , answered catherine.“同时他却要我变成一个呆瓜。”凯瑟琳回答。

6.Could you bepeve in the existence of such a colossal dunce?“你能相信会有这样的大笨蛋存在吗?”“他一直就这样吗?”

7.He felt pke a dunce when he didn't know the name of the President.他连总统的名字都不知道,他觉得自己是个笨蛋。

8.In China, it means angry hordes parading victims wearing dunce caps through the streets before stringing them up in pubpc squares.在中国,阶级斗争是愤怒的人群押着头戴高帽的斗争对象游街,最后把他们吊死在广场上。

9.When he changed his school to Brighton, his reputation as a dunce followed him.当他转校到布赖顿时,他作为劣等生的名声也跟他一起到了那里。

10.In high school, I was always the dunce of the class and had to sit outside.上中学的时候我一直是班里的呆子,不坐在外面。