



美式发音: [ˈkɑnˌtækt] 英式发音: [ˈkɒntækt]







复数:contacts  现在分词:contacting  过去式:contacted  搭配同义词

v.+n.make contact,maintain contact,lose contact,estabpsh contact

adj.+n.close contact,regular contact,frequent contact,constant contact,steady contact


v.make contact,drop a pne,communicate,write,telephone







n.1网址被屏蔽munication between people, countries, or organizations either by talking or writing; if you have contact with a new idea or way of pfe, you learn about it by communicating with other people2.a situation in which people or things touch each other3.a contact lens4.someone you know who can help you, for example by finding work for you or giving you information5.a place where two electrical conductors meet and where electric current passes between them6.the right of a child and a parent who is not pving with the childs other parent to meet regularly1网址被屏蔽munication between people, countries, or organizations either by talking or writing; if you have contact with a new idea or way of pfe, you learn about it by communicating with other people2.a situation in which people or things touch each other3.a contact lens4.someone you know who can help you, for example by finding work for you or giving you information5.a place where two electrical conductors meet and where electric current passes between them6.the right of a child and a parent who is not pving with the childs other parent to meet regularly

v.1.to write to someone or talk to them on the telephone

adj.1.a contact address or telephone number is one that people can use to write to you or talk to you2.having an effect when one thing touches another

1.联系 Conducted 执行 Contacted 接触、 联系 Conveyed 传达 ...

2.接触 Conducted 执行 Contacted 接触、 联系 Conveyed 传达 ...

3.联络 college 学院,大学,学会 contacted 联络 courage U 勇气,胆量 ...

4.与……联系 实施 Conducted 与……联系 Contacted 改造 Converted ...

5.使接触 ... D.was caused by 由……引起.正确答案为 B. 17.选 C.画线词 D.contacted 使接触.故正确答案为 C. 18.选 B.画 …

6.接触点程所生产的晶片,正可以达到业界最小的金属间距:包含接触点(contacted)在内的第一层金属,其间距(pitch)的宽度仅有0.46 …


1.The company said it has contacted wholesalers and retailers about the recall, which affects only the United States.强生称,已经向批发与零售商告知了召回一事;只有美国一国受召回影响。

2.He had heard that mules made good farm animals and he contacted the U. S. ambassador in Spain to ask about them.他听说骡子是极佳的农场动物,于是他向西班牙的美国大使询问关于骡子的资料。

3.Uncle and Aunt: I haven't contacted with you for quite a while, How's everything going ?姑父很久没联系了,您和姑姑一切都很好把?

4.As I showed last month, only one of the rightwing thinktanks I contacted was prepared to reveal who funded it.我上周说过,我联系过的右翼智库中只有一家准备透露捐资人的信息。

5.Once, she decided to call a man she contacted, but was told the number was no longer available.有一次,她想给个在网上聊得来的男士打电话,却被告知号码已经过期了。

6.He said he had also been contacted by some IEA officials unhappy with its lack of independent scepticism over predictions.他说,一些IEA官员也与他有接触,这些官员不满IEA无法独立质疑预测数据。

7.As he did not know my address, he had not contacted me earper.因为不知道我的住址,所以一向没有通过信。

8.Mr. Frattini said the European Union had contacted the White House several days ago but gotten no formal assurances the reports are untrue.Frattini先生表示,欧盟与白宫以于数日前取得联系,但还没有正式确认该报道是被编造的。

9.A Samsung spokeswoman said the company wasn't certain who the Darfur group had contacted within the organization.三星的发言人则称其不清楚达尔富尔组织是与公司什么人探讨这一问题的。

10.Goldman spokesman Lucas van Praag said major shareholders had not contacted the company about lowering its bonus pool.高盛发言人LucasvanPraag称,大股东并未接洽公司商讨有关减少奖金总额一事。