



美式发音: [ˈfeɪb(ə)l] 英式发音: ['feɪb(ə)l]




复数:fables  同义词





n.1.a traditional story, usually about animals, that teaches a moral lesson

1.寓言 Jean de La Fontaine 拉封丹 Fables 寓言 " The Misanthrope 愤世嫉俗 ...

2.寓言故事 │├文化历史 History │├寓言故事 Fables │├人物传记 Biography ...

3.寓言集 >Jumanji 野蛮游戏 >Fables 智慧寓言 >OX-CART MAN 驾牛篷车的人 ...

5.成人童话 ... figures 人物 fables 寓言,神化,传说 figures 重要人物 ...

7.伊索 Jane Eyre 简爱, Fables 伊索, Shakespeare 莎士比亚, ...

8.神话故事这是一本探讨经济学中许多著名"神话故事" (Fables) 的书.经济学家向来就是讲故事的高手, 即使目前主流经济学界注重数理分析…


1.Not giving heed to Jewish fables and commandments of men, who turn themselves away from the truth.不要听信犹太人无稽的传说,和背弃真理之人的规定。

2.Verily many things are wondrous, and haply tales decked out with cunning fables beyond the truth make false men's speech concerning them.许多事情却是神奇,偶尔一些传说为那狡诈的谎言修饰,超出了真实,让人们言及时也语犯虚妄。

3.This writing technique is called personification that is often used in fables and fairy tales.这种技术被称为写作中常用的化身在寓言和童话故事。

4.Thereafter, he began to grapple with modern events in his own way through fables that often crisscross time.后来,他开始以自己的方式、通过时常时间交错的寓言着手解决当代重大事件。

5."It's about imparting some sort of a truth, " says Sadykhova, who grew up on fables in Russia.从小听着俄罗斯寓言长大的撒迪科霍娃说:“这相当于在传授某种真理。”

6.Like the earpest Walt Disney fables, Pixar films are for children and their parents and everyone who can be touched by moving images.就像早期的迪士尼童话一样,皮克斯的动画是为小孩子和父母们,任何会被电影剧情感动的人所做的。

7.Such a good ending can only exist in the realm of fables; the story is not reapstic.这样开美好的结局只存在于神话世界里,这个故事不现实。

8.He read stories to the children from an old book of fables.他从一本旧的寓言书里念故事给孩子们听。

9.My amiable grandfather always tucked a pair of canes in his arms, he always told some anecdotes, fables and bizarre folklores.我和蔼可亲的爷爷总是拄着一副拐杖,他经常给我讲一些趣闻轶事和稀奇古怪的民间传说。

10.Long before the written language appeared, there was an oral tradition of tales of fables and legends.早在文字出现以前,就有口头流传寓言和传说的传统。