


美式发音: [kənˈtendər] 英式发音: [kənˈtendə(r)]



复数:contenders  同义词




1.竞争者;角逐者;争夺者a person who takes part in a competition or tries to win sth

a contender for a gold medal in the Olympics奥运金牌的争夺者

a leading/serious/strong contender for the party leadership该党领导权最重要的╱强劲的╱有实力的角逐者


n.1.someone who competes with other people for a prize or job

1.竞争者 contend 声称,主张 contender 竞争者 content 容量,含量 ...

2.争夺者 consulate 领事馆 contender (某个职位的)争夺者 conviction 信念 ...

3.角逐者 quarter-finals 四分之一决赛 contender 竞争者;角逐者 Quizzes 英语小测验 ...

4.竞赛者 ) stripper 剥离器 ) contender 竞争者,竞赛者 ) paleontology 古生物学 ...

5.是竞争者的意思 downgrade。 Downgrade, 是降级的意思。 Contender。 Contender, 是竞争者的意思。 gesture。 Gesture, 是手势、姿态的 …

6.的争夺者 consulate 领事馆 contender (某职位)的争夺者 conviction 信念 ...

7.竞逐者 candidate 候选人 contender 竞逐者 campaign 竞选工程 ...

8.竞争者号T-AGOS-2 竞争者号Contender)现为美国商船学院。T-AGOS-3拥护者号(Vindicator),现为NOAA效力。


1.The original idea of their fourth-generation fighters is to have an aircraft capable of beating any other contender.美国第四代战斗机的最初设计理念是要成为能打败任何竞争对手的强者。

2.So a repairing with Cody in an adult, sharp-witted story about a sort of homecoming sounds pke a top contender.因此,他再次同科蒂合作,讲述一个关于成年人回家的故事,充满机智趣味,该片似乎是个有力的竞争者。

3.In less than a year, China went from a polluting megapower to an up-and-coming clean-tech contender that promises to outpace America.在不到一年的时间里,中国从污染大国转变为积极进取的清洁技术竞争者,承诺要超过美国。

4.Jack Dorsey, creator of the microblogging service, suggests that you can't make a call on a contender unless you give it a fighting chance.但杰克·多尔西,这位Twitter的创始人表示除非能有一个参与竞争的机会,否则怎能与对手一较高下?

5.R8 starts at a hefty $109, 000, meaning it would be a farce if it weren't at least a top contender for the sports-car crown.R8开始标价高达十万九千美元,这意味着它至少是跑车之王的最有力竞争者。

6.But if new European Space Agency (ESA) findings from the Venus Express spacecraft are correct, it looks as if Venus coulda been a contender.但如果欧空局(ESA)金星快车(VenusExpress)探测器的新发现是正确的,那么看起来也许金星将摘掉“失败者”的称号。

7.Considering the team's contender status with him on the roster, it will all be worth it.考虑到湖人队内他的竞争者,这些还是很值得的。

8.The new manager regenerated the losing team and made it a strong contender for first place.新来经理再造这去打输的球队,使它变成有力的冠军争夺者。

9.The capital of Japan is the only contender to have held the Olympics before - and the pubpc is not exactly supporting a second run.日本首都东京是唯一一个此前曾经举办奥运会的竞争者——公众不会考虑支持第二次申办。

10.New technologies have emerged recently that have lowered the cost of aluminum fabrication making it a strong contender to CroMo.新技术最近已出现降低了铝制造成本,从而使其一强大的竞争者CroMo。