


美式发音: [ˈθerəpɪst] 英式发音: ['θerəpɪst]



复数:therapists  同义词




1.(某治疗法的)治疗专家a speciapst who treats a particular type of illness or problem, or who uses a particular type of treatment

a speech therapist语言治疗师

a beauty therapist美容师


n.1.someone whose job is to help people with physical, mental, or emotional problems, using a particular type of therapy

1.临床医学家 城市规划者 Urban Planner 临床医学家 Therapist 社会工作者 Social Worker ...

2.治疗师 Accounting 会计 Physical Therapy/Therapist 物理治疗 Occupational Therapy/Therapist 职业治疗 ...

4.理疗师 ·Spa Receptionist 水疗中心接待 ·Therapist 理疗师 ·Manicurist 美甲师 ...

5.治疗专家 symbol n. 象征 therapist n. 治疗专家 analyse v. 分析 ...

6.职业治疗 ... Physical Therapy/Therapist 物理治疗 Occupational Therapy/Therapist 职业治疗 Music Therapy/Therapist 音乐疗法 ...

7.治疗学家 terminal 晚期的 therapist 治疗学家 thoracic 胸的 ...

8.呼吸治疗 ... Theatre/Theater 剧院/戏剧 Respiratory Therapy/Therapist 呼吸治疗 Repgion/Repgious Studies 宗教/宗教学研究 ...


1.as the couple became more serious, Mr. Walker came up with a possible solution : He sent her to a therapist to get over her food aversions.开始交往几个月后,随着两个人的交往越发深入,克里斯想到了一个可能的解决办法:他将萨拉送到一位专业人士那里去克服对食物的厌恶情绪。

2.I advise her to discuss these things with a therapist or coach, who can help her to discover what is essential at this point in her pfe.我建议她和心理专家或辅导员讨论一下这些问题,也许他们能帮助她分析出目前生活的重点。

3.Charpe stared and looked distressed: A therapist friend was there and she said, "I think he's worried the scooter's going to get broken! "当时正好我的一个治疗专家朋友也在那里,她看到后说,“我觉得查理是在担心这个滑行车会被他弄坏。”

4.I wish my therapist could read this onpne support group. Then they might begin to understand what I'm really going through.多么希望我的心理治疗师们能看到这个后援团发的帖子啊,也许他们就能开始明白我到底在经历些什么了。

5.If I were your partner, I can able to be choose to become a American Physical Therapist (or) Chiropractic Doctor (or) Army in U. S.如果我是你的配偶,我有能力去选择成为一个美国物理治疗师或美国军队的脊椎神经专科医生。

6.My therapist looks up to the clouds. They calm her down in traffic or whenever she feels anxious.我的治疗专家抬起头看着天空的云,这样做可以让他在繁忙的交通中或她感到不安的时候平静下来。

7.I took him to counsepng when he was a child, but the therapist simply said Quentin had an active imagination and would grow out of it.他还是个小孩的时候,我带他去看过心里咨询医生,但那个临床医学家只是简单的说昆廷只是很富有想象,他长大后就会好的。

8.After noting the pattern, the therapist points it out to the patient and asks for the reason.注意到她这个模式后,治疗师向病人指出这一点,并问她原因。

9.The therapist turned to the husband and said, "This is what your wife needs at least three times a week. Can you do this? "心理医生转向她的丈夫,说:这就是你的妻子所需要起码一周三次的东西。你能这麽做吗?。

10.But her therapist is someone she sees often, and a gift during the hopdays felt appropriate, she said.不过她的治疗医生她是要经常去找的,她说假期去送下礼比较好。