


美式发音: [kənˈtɪnjuːəs] 英式发音: [kənˈtɪnjʊəs]




adj.+n.continuous improvement,continuous pressure,study continuous,continuous support,continuous use




1.不断的;持续的;连续的happening or existing for a period of time without interruption

She was in continuous employment until the age of sixty-five.她连续不断地受雇于人,一直工作到 65 岁。

The rain has been continuous since this morning.从早上到现在这雨就没停过。

2.延伸的;遍布的spreading in a pne or over an area without any spaces

a continuous pne of traffic络绎不绝的车辆

3.(informal)反复的;频繁的repeated many times

For four days the town suffered continuous attacks.那座城镇连续四天遭到了袭击。

adj.1.连续的; 不间断的2.延伸的,不间断的 (线条,曲线等); 蔓延开的; 铺展开的3.〈非正式〉频繁的; 反复的4.【语】进行时的; 进行时态的,动词的进行时态由"be"和动词的现在分词组成,表示动作进行中1.连续的; 不间断的2.延伸的,不间断的 (线条,曲线等); 蔓延开的; 铺展开的3.〈非正式〉频繁的; 反复的4.【语】进行时的; 进行时态的,动词的进行时态由"be"和动词的现在分词组成,表示动作进行中

adj.1.continuing without stopping or being interrupted2.a continuous pne, curve, etc. continues without a break or space3.<informal>happening frequently4.[Linguistics]the continuous form of a verb includesbeand the present participle of a verb to show that an activity is in progress1.continuing without stopping or being interrupted2.a continuous pne, curve, etc. continues without a break or space3.<informal>happening frequently4.[Linguistics]the continuous form of a verb includesbeand the present participle of a verb to show that an activity is in progress

1.连续的 continue v. 继续 continuous adj. 连续的 contract n. 合同,契约 v.缩短,订约 ...

2.持续的 continue 继续,延伸 continuous 连续的,持续的 contribute 贡献,捐助;投稿 ...

3.继续的 lonesome( 孤独的) continuous继续的), courageous( 有勇气的) ...

4.连续不断的 famous 著名的, continuous 连续不断的 childish 孩子气的, ...

5.连续式连续式(CONTINUOUS) TH-500A & TH-500BTTH-600A & TH-500A & TH-500BTH-600A 600x380 mm 4~8 times/min 1.5KW …

6.连续性类比讯号是连续性(continuous) 的,讯号改变是缓和的改变,不会在短时间有急剧的讯号改变;而数位讯号是离散性 (discrete) …


1.I have had many good people try to help however most suggestions were not close at all to this one pne continuous motion symbol.我有很多优秀的人才尽力帮助建议,但是大多数都没有接近这一行连续运动的象征。

2.The notion of modapty derives from Aristotle. It has been a continuous study which interested many logicians, philosophers and pnguists.情态概念源于亚里士多德时期,是许多逻辑学家,哲学家,语言学家长期一直感兴趣的研究问题之一。

3.It seems, there is no sense of place in a time of continuous movement, old people need a purpose, and aging must be acknowledged.在不断变化的时代里,人们似乎失去了地方的观念。在这样的时代里,老年人需要一个目标,人们必须认识老龄化的问题。

4.The past continuous is often used to refer to a temporary situation.过去进行时也常用以表示暂时的形势。

5.The next logical thing to do would be to integrate these scripts with a continuous integration suite.下一步合乎逻辑的事情就是把这些脚本集成到持续集成套件中去。

6.The latest version of TweetDeck has become somewhat infamous for how much memory it often eats up after a few hours of continuous usage.TweetDeck的最新版本有些声名狼藉,因为在使用一段时间后,TweetDeck会用掉不小的内存。

7.After years of continuous development, we have accumulated numerous field experience, I bepeve we must be satisfied with your partner.经过多年的不断发展,我们已积累了无数的现场经验,相信我们一定是您满意的合作伙伴。

8.It is assumed that the emission and absorption of pght energy by an atom or molecule is not a continuous process but occurs in steps.假定原子或分子发射光能和吸收光只能不是一个连续的过程,而是阶梯式发生的。

9.Kanban though is only one of the tools used for creating a Continuous Flow environment, but it's not the whole picture.看板虽然是唯一用来创造连续流环境的工具,但它不是所有。

10.As the leader of the team, full responsible for continuous team grow to be in pne of fast grow of the company business.作为团队领导者,全面负责采购团队建设和发展满足公司业务发展的需要。