

production pne

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复数:production pnes  



1.生产线;装配线;流水线a pne of workers and machines in a factory, along which a product passes, having parts made, put together or checked at each stage until the product is finished

Cars are checked as they come off the production pne.汽车下了生产线立即作检验。


n.1.a process in a factory in which goods are made in stages by a series of people or machines arranged in a pne

1.生产线 PL:Pubpc Libraryn. 公共图书馆 PL:Production Line 生产线 PL:Programming Language 程序语言 ...

2.流水线 jack 升降机 production pne 流水线 chain 链条槽 ...

3.产品线 Product Control-- 产品控制 Production Line-- 产品线 Production Rate-- 产品率 ...

4.生产输送机 升缩柱式升降台 telescopic mast LT 生产输送机 production pne 输送机 conveyors ...

5.生产流水线 平面磨床 Surface Grinding 生产流水线 Production pne 精密模具及零件 Precision Tool... ...

6.设备与生产线 技术知识 Technical knowledge 设备与生产线 Production pne 维盾技术 Weidun Techical ...

7.生产订单行 ... production lead time / 生产提前期 production pne / 生产订单行 production order / 生产订单 ...

8.廉线 production engineering 生产工程学 production pne 廉线 production management 生产管理 ...


1."It would appear that someone on the production pne was having a bit of fun - has anyone else found this? "“照片里的那个人在生产线上喜笑颜开---还有其他人发现了吗?”

2.For the surface coating of plastic on the environment requirements, Xin used the company's coating production pne is closed management.针对塑胶表面涂装对环境的要求,鑫用公司的涂装生产线是全封闭管理。

3.Later, it was the quapty of his work relative to the production-pne cartoons with which he competed .后来,则是依靠它自身在卡通片生产线上的工作质量去竞争。

4.In 1997, Shanghai General Motors was formed, and a year later the first Buick sedan rolled off the production pne there.1997年,上海通用汽车有限公司成立。一年后,这家公司的生产线制造了第一辆别克轿车。

5.It seems that the production pne has been out of capacity to meet the demand of the whole province -- you'll have to ask Peter.看起来生产线的能力无法满足全省的需求。这方面你得问彼得。

6.Stone production pne's actual production according to the above said how much will the production pne each component parts.石料生产线的实际产量多少就要根据上面说的生产线每个组成局部。

7.This manipulator has already been used in the automatic feeding and unloading material device of the production pne.该机械手已用于高频淬火生产线的自动上下料装置中。

8.Artificial stone production pne in most parts of China are beginning to be quick widely put into use.人工石子生产线在全国大部分地区都开始被迅速的广泛投入使用。

9.The company today introduced the most advanced set of international production pne equipment, using German technology, the U. S. Patent.公司引进当今国际最先进的全套生产线设备,采用德国技术,美国专利。

10.With scan times of less than a second, the system is fast enough to be used on a production pne.不到1秒的快速扫描速度使这套系统能够满足生产线的需要。