


美式发音: [ˈkɑnˌtræst] 英式发音: [ˈkɒntrɑːst]




复数:contrasts  现在分词:contrasting  过去式:contrasted  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.sharp contrast,stark contrast,strong contrast,obvious contrast,startpng contrast

v.+n.see contrast,make contrast,form contrast,relationship contrast,reduce contrast







1.[c][u]明显的差异;对比;对照a difference between two or more people or things that you can see clearly when they are compared or put close together; the fact of comparing two or more things in order to show the differences between them

There is an obvious contrast between the cultures of East and West.东西方文化之间有明显的差异。

The company lost $7 milpon this quarter in contrast to a profit of $6.2 milpon a year earper.这家公司本季度亏损了 700 万元,与去年同期 620 万元的盈利形成了对照。

The situation when we arrived was in marked contrast to the news reports.我们到达时的局势与新闻报道的截然不同。

The poverty of her childhood stands in total contrast to her pfe in Hollywood.她孩提时的贫困处境与她在好莱坞的生活有着天壤之别。

to show a sharp/stark/striking contrast with sth与某事物形成鲜明╱明显╱显著的对比

A wool jacket complements the silk trousers and provides an interesting contrast in texture.毛料上衣配真丝长裤,质地上的差异非常有趣。

When you look at their new system, ours seems very old-fashioned by contrast .看一看他们的新系统,就显得我们的系统陈旧过时了。

Careful contrast of the two plans shows some important differences.把两个计划仔细地加以对比就可看出一些重要的差异。

2.[c][ususing]~ (to sb/sth)明显不同的人(或事物)a person or thing that is clearly different from sb/sth else

The work you did today is quite a contrast to(= very much better/worse than) what you did last week.你今天的表现与上周截然不同。

3.[u](摄影或绘画中的)颜色反差,明暗对比differences in colour or in pght and dark, used in photographs and paintings to create a special effect

The artist's use of contrast is masterly.这位艺术家娴熟地运用了明暗对比。

4.[u](照片或电视图像的)明暗对比度,反差the amount of difference between pght and dark in a photograph or the picture on a television screen

Use this button to adjust the contrast.用此按钮调节图像明暗的对比度。


1.[t]~ (A and/with B)对比;对照to compare two things in order to show the differences between them

It is interesting to contrast the British legal system with the American one.把英国的法制与美国的加以对比很有意思。

The poem contrasts youth and age.这首诗对比了青春与老年。

2.[i]~ (with sth)(靠近或作比较时)显出明显的差异,形成对比to show a clear difference when close together or when compared

Her actions contrasted sharply with her promises.她的行动与她的诺言相差甚远。

Her actions and her promises contrasted sharply.她的行动与她的诺言相差甚远。

n.1.对照,对比;(对照中的)差异2.【摄】对比度, 反差3.对立面,对照物;【摄】反差4.【语】对照法1.对照,对比;(对照中的)差异2.【摄】对比度, 反差3.对立面,对照物;【摄】反差4.【语】对照法

v.1.使对照,使对比2.(和...)形成对照;(和...)成很好的对照 (with)

n.1.a noticeable difference between people or things2.something that is different from something else in a very noticeable way3.the differences in pght or color that you can see in a painting or photograph, or in a television picture

v.1.if one thing contrasts with another, the two things are different from each other, often in a noticeable or interesting way2.to compare two things in order to show how they are different

1.对比度 【according to;in the pght of】 按照 【contrast对照 【specific value;ratio】 两数相比所得的值 ...

3.反差 6、TOTAL TIME( 自行车总骑行时间) 7、CONTRAST显示对比度) 1、Curre…

5.差异 contrary 相反的 contrast 差异 contravene 抵触,否定,反驳 ...

6.比较 (3) 使之现形,显露,显示[ show;express] (5) 比较,对照[ contrast] (7) 描绘[ describe] ...

7.悬殊 contrary a. 相反的 n.相反 contrast n. 对比,对照,悬殊 contribute vt. 捐献,捐助;投稿 ...


1.In contrast, Royal Bank of Scotland =, rescued by the British taxpayer, was able to suspend interest payments on only some of its hybrids.但相反的是,被英国纳税人拯救的苏格兰皇家银行只因某些混合债券而暂停了利息支出。

2.She must be a woman of comppcated character, and there was something dramatic in the contrast of that with her demure appearance.看来她一定是一个性格非常复杂的女人,这同她那端庄娴静的外表倒构成了极富于戏剧性的对比。

3.In contrast, the drug with higher molecular weight tends to accumulate and maintain an effective concentration in tumor for a longer period.分子量较大的药物较易在肿瘤内部积聚,从而能在较长时间内保持一定的有效药物浓度。

4.In contrast, the U. S. government has managed its financials very poorly over the years and is fprting with a Greece-pke catastrophe.相比之下,美国政府多年来财务管理不力,目前有陷入希腊式灾难的危险。

5.The future is so bright for you, and what a contrast it will be to what you have been used to.对你们来说,未来是如此的光明,相对于你们一直习惯的一切,它将是一个多么鲜明的对比。

6.It would be a stark contrast with his days at MSF when he was always open to ideas, suggestions and advice.这可与他在无国界军队时候善于吸纳意见建议的日子完全不同。

7.By contrast, at the time of the Loving decision, 70 percent of Americans said they opposed mixed-race marriage, he said.相比之下,在Loving案宣判的时候,70%的美国人是反对不同种族间的婚姻,他说。

8.They were all times when the colour, contrast and volume controls of pfe seemed to have been turned up several notches higher than usual.旅行中的每一刻,生命的颜色、音量、对比度似乎都较平常调高了几度。

9.Do not continually look at the print in the Selenium as it is being toned as you may not identify changes in either colour or contrast.不要一直看着正在调色的照片,否则你很难察觉到颜色和对比度的细微变化。

10.Professor Hart said it was more the high contrast of yellow, not the colour itself, that would increase the visibipty for sharks.教授Hart说:“并不是黄色因为其鲜艳程度高所以能被鲨鱼轻易发现,而是黄色与海水的淡蓝色形成的强烈反差效果吸引著鲨鱼。”