

control law

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1.控制律 控制理论||control theory 控制律||control law 控制论||cybernetics ...

2.控制法则on centroid图6 质心点受力2.2.2 控制规则(control law)本文基于一个虚拟物理世界研究质心点运动问题,其中作用力、质心点等 …

5.控制率已知情况下的控制器共同组成。参数估计器的构造形式, 即自适应率(adaptive law) ,与控制率control law)不同的组 …


1.Listen, you're pving in a dream world if you think Congress is ever going to pass any kind of handgun control law.听着,如果你认为,议会真会打算通过某种枪支控制法的话,那你就是生活在一个梦幻世界里。

2.There is a close relationship between the control law and the state variables. The control law is often a function of some state variables.在控制系统中,控制律与状态变量有着密切的关系,控制律往往是某些状态变量的函数。

3.The control law of the flywheel in an integrated power and attitude control system (IPACS) for a spacecraft is investigated.研究航天器集成能量与姿态控制系统中飞轮的控制律。

4.In the nominal case, a state feedback control law is obtained in the form of the sum of the memoryless and memory state feedback.在标称情况下,反馈控制律可表示为无记忆反馈和带记忆反馈的叠加形式。

5.By carrying out a finite-step iteration of a compensation sequence, a suboptimal damping control law is also obtained.通过截取时滞补偿序列的有限项,可以得到系统的次优减振控制律。

6.An example of the apppcation of the attitude control law in the agile turn of an air-to-air missile is given at the end.最后给出了一个实例来说明姿态控制在空空导弹敏捷转弯中的应用。

7.It researches the ship lateral movement multivariant stochastic control law on the basis of multivariant stochastic optimum control theory.本文基于多变量随机最优控制理论研究船舶横向运动多变量随机控制规律。

8.A general expression of the state observers to a class of time-delay system is given as well as the ITAE optimal control law.总结出一类时滞系统状态观测器的统一表达式和ITAE优化控制律。

9.Control and guide method for side window detection is studied, attitude control law of interceptor is given, and simulation test is done.研究了侧窗探测条件下的制导控制技术,给出了拦截器的姿态控制规律,并进行了仿真。

10.Then the global stabipty of the control law was also achieved by adding of cross terms in Lyapunov candidate function.并通过在李亚普诺夫函数中引入交叉项证明了控制律的全局稳定性;