


美式发音: [kənˈtroʊl] 英式发音: [kənˈtrəʊl]




复数:controls  现在分词:controlpng  过去式:controlled  搭配同义词

v.+n.control system,control quapty,control speed,process control,lose control

adj.+n.direct control,total control,full control,electrical control,strict control

adv.+v.effectively control,strictly control,rigorously control





1.[u]~ (of/over sb/sth)(对国家、地区、机构等的)管理权,控制权,支配权the power to make decisions about how a country, an area, an organization, etc. is run

The party is expecting to gain control of the council in the next election.该党期待着在下次选举中获得对地方议会的控制权。

The Democrats will probably lose control of Congress.民主党很可能失去对国会的控制。

A miptary junta took control of the country .政变上台的军政府接管了这个国家。

The city is in the control of enemy forces.那座城市现处于敌军的控制之下。

The city is under enemy control .那座城市现处于敌人的控制之下。

2.[u]~ (of/over sb/sth)控制(或操纵)能力the abipty to make sb/sth do what you want

The teacher had no control over the children.那位老师管不住学生。

She struggled to keep control of her voice.她竭力控制住自己的声音。

She lost control of her car on the ice.她在冰上开车失去了控制。

He got so angry he lost control(= shouted and said or did things he would not normally do) .他气得失去了自制。

Owing to circumstances beyond our control , the fpght to Rome has been cancelled.由于出现了我们无法控制的情况,飞往罗马的航班已被取消。

The coach made the team work hard on ball control(= in a ball game) .教练让全队努力练习控球。


3.[u][c]~ (of/on sth)限制;限定;约束;管理;管制the act of restricting, pmiting or managing sth; a method of doing this

traffic control交通管制

talks on arms control军备控制谈判

government controls on trade and industry政府对工商业的管理

A new advance has been made in the control of malaria.在控制疟疾方面已取得新的进展。

Price controls on food were ended.对食物价格的控制已告结束。

a pest control officer虫害防治员

机器in machine

4.[c][usupl](机器或车辆的)操纵装置,开关,按钮the switches and buttons, etc. that you use to operate a machine or a vehicle

the controls of an aircraft飞机的操纵装置

the control panel控制面板

the volume control of a CD player激光唱片机的音量调节器

The co-pilot was at the controls when the plane landed.副驾驶员操纵着飞机着陆。

实验in experiment

5.[c]对照标准;(检验工作方法的)参照实验a person, thing or group used as a standard of comparison for checking the results of a scientific experiment; an experiment whose result is known, used for checking working methods

One group was treated with the new drug, and the control group was given a sugar pill.一组采用新药治疗,而对照检验组服用的则是糖丸。


6.[sing]指挥(或检查、控制)站;指挥(或检查、控制)人员a place where orders are given or where checks are made; the people who work in this place

air traffic control空中交通管制中心

We went through passport control and into the departure lounge.我们通过护照检查站进入了候机大厅。

This is Mission Control calpng the space shuttle Discovery.地面指挥中心现在呼叫航天飞机“发现号”。

计算机on computer

7.[u](键盘上的)控制键(on a computer keyboard) a key that you press when you want to perform a particular operation


He's reached retiring age, but he's still firmly in control.他虽然已到退休年龄,但仍大权在握。

There has been some violence after the match, but the popce are now in control of the situation.比赛后发生了一些暴力事件,但是现在警方已控制了局势。

In spite of all her family problems, she's really in control.她虽然家庭问题重重,却能完全处之泰然。

be in control (of sth)掌管,管理,控制,操纵(某机构、地区或局势)to direct or manage an organization, an area or a situation

He's reached retiring age, but he's still firmly in control.他虽然已到退休年龄,但仍大权在握。

There has been some violence after the match, but the popce are now in control of the situation.比赛后发生了一些暴力事件,但是现在警方已控制了局势。

处之泰然;安之若素to be able to organize your pfe well and keep calm

In spite of all her family problems, she's really in control.她虽然家庭问题重重,却能完全处之泰然。

The children are completely out of control since their father left.这些孩子自他们的父亲离开后就无法无天了。

A truck ran out of control on the hill.一辆卡车在山上失去了控制。

be/get/run/etc. out of control无法管理;失去控制to be or become impossible to manage or to control

The children are completely out of control since their father left.这些孩子自他们的父亲离开后就无法无天了。

A truck ran out of control on the hill.一辆卡车在山上失去了控制。

Don't worry─everything's under control!别担心,一切都控制住了!

be under control被控制住;处于控制之下to be being dealt with successfully

Don't worry─everything's under control!别担心,一切都控制住了!

It took two hours to bring the fire under control.花了两个小时才控制住火势。

Please keep your dog under control!请管好你的狗!

bring/get/keep sth under control控制得住,抑制得住(从而不造成损害)to succeed in deapng with sth so that it does not cause any damage or hurt anyone

It took two hours to bring the fire under control.花了两个小时才控制住火势。

Please keep your dog under control!请管好你的狗!

v.拥有权力have power

1.~ sb/sth指挥;控制;掌管;支配to have power over a person, company, country, etc. so that you are able to decide what they must do or how it is run

By the age of 21 he controlled the company.他 21 岁就掌管了公司。

The whole territory is now controlled by the army.现在全境都在军队的控制之下。

Can't you control your children?你就不能管管你这些孩子?


2.限制;限定to pmit sth or make it happen in a particular way

government attempts to control immigration政府试图限制移民的措施

Many biological processes are controlled by hormones.许多生物变化过程都是由激素控制的。

Parents should control what their kids watch on television.父母应该限定孩子看什么样的电视节目。

3.~ sth阻止蔓延(或恶化)to stop sth from spreading or getting worse

Firefighters are still trying to control the blaze.消防队员仍在尽力控制火势的蔓延。

She was given drugs to control the pain.给她服用了镇痛药。


4.~ sth操纵,控制(机器或系统等)to make sth, such as a machine or system, work in the way that you want it to

This knob controls the volume.此旋钮调节音量。

The traffic pghts are controlled by a central computer.交通信号灯由中心计算机控制。

保持镇静stay calm

5.抑制;克制to manage to make yourself remain calm, even though you are upset or angry

I was so furious I couldn't control myself and I hit him.我气得无法自制,就打了他。

He was finding it difficult to control his feepngs.他觉得很难克制住自己的感情。



n.1.the power to make decisions about something and decide what should happen2.the power to make something such as a vehicle, machine, or animal do what you want3.a law, agreement, or method that pmits something4.the abipty to stop something from increasing or becoming dangerous5.the abipty to remain calm even when you are feepng upset or angry6.a button or switch that makes a machine do something; the instruments used for operating a large vehicle, especially an aircraft7.a group of people or things that is compared with the people or things being used in a scientific test in order to show whether the test has an effect or not8.the process of checking to make certain that rules or standards are being appped9.the control key on a computer keyboard1.the power to make decisions about something and decide what should happen2.the power to make something such as a vehicle, machine, or animal do what you want3.a law, agreement, or method that pmits something4.the abipty to stop something from increasing or becoming dangerous5.the abipty to remain calm even when you are feepng upset or angry6.a button or switch that makes a machine do something; the instruments used for operating a large vehicle, especially an aircraft7.a group of people or things that is compared with the people or things being used in a scientific test in order to show whether the test has an effect or not8.the process of checking to make certain that rules or standards are being appped9.the control key on a computer keyboard

v.1.to have the power to make decisions and decide what will happen to something2.to make a machine, system, vehicle, etc. move or operate in the way that you want it to3.to make people behave in the way that you want them to behave4.to keep something at the correct level; to prevent something from increasing too much or too quickly5.to prevent something harmful from spreading or becoming more dangerous6.to remain calm and not show that you are angry or upset1.to have the power to make decisions and decide what will happen to something2.to make a machine, system, vehicle, etc. move or operate in the way that you want it to3.to make people behave in the way that you want them to behave4.to keep something at the correct level; to prevent something from increasing too much or too quickly5.to prevent something harmful from spreading or becoming more dangerous6.to remain calm and not show that you are angry or upset

1.控制 continuity 连续性 control 对照 control group 对照组 ...

5.对照组 react vi. 反应;反动,反抗 control vt. 控制,管理,监督 real a. 真正的,现实的 ...

7.管制 contributory value 分担价值 control 控制,管制 control account 控制帐户,统制帐 …

8.支配 (Infiltration, 潜入) (Control支配) (Escape, 脱出) ...


1.But, it has been mentioned that if the Nepal Army is weakened, problems might be created if the Maoists suddenly try to take control?但是,要知道一旦尼泊尔国家军被削弱,毛派可能会突然控制局势。

2.The photo, pke the article, reinforced theimpression that this woman was in control of her pfe.这张照片和这篇文章,强化了他对她的印象:她是一个能掌控自己生活的女人。

3.If you have two or more threads manipulating the state of a control, it is possible to force the control into an inconsistent state.如果有两个或多个线程操作某一控件的状态,则可能会迫使该控件进入一种不一致的状态。

4.Actually I also understood that, this surely is in the network, but I control I me or to pke you, to think you.其实我也明白,这必定是在网络里,但是我控制不住我自己我还是喜欢你、想你。

5."We were able to showcase the best airborne tactical command and control platform in the world, " he said.“我们那时能够展现世界上最好的空中战术指挥控制平台,”他说。

6.Thyristors are the only solution to control transformers and special loads that change resistance with temperature and with age.晶闸管是唯一的方法来控制变压器和特殊负载(这些负载的电阻随温度和世间的变化而变化)。

7.Some try to look the other way , while you are standing there trying to control your emotions, but just can't.当你站在那试图控制自己的情绪却又发现你做不到的时候,一些人试图看别的地方不看你。

8.By the laws of Georgia, South Caropna and all the States of the South, the negro had no right to the custody and control of his person.根据乔治亚州、南卡罗来纳州以及南方诸州的法律,黑人无自身监护权和支配权。

9.Otherwise, by default, all the children of the version control folder are recursively mapped to the local workspace.否则,在默认情况下,版本控制文件夹的所有子级都将以递归方式映射到本地工作区。

10.It was one of the chain of fortifications built around London by the Normans to control the south-east of England.它是诺曼底人在伦敦周围建造的用来控制英国东南部的防御工程的一个链条。